Franz Knoop

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Georg Franz Knoop (born September 20, 1875 in Shanghai , † August 2, 1946 in Tübingen ) was a German chemist .


After finishing school at the Johanneum in Hamburg, he studied medicine in Freiburg, Kiel and Berlin. In 1900 he was in Freiburg with Eugen Baumann Doctor of Medicine doctorate . In 1909 Knoop became an associate professor at the Albert Ludwig University of Freiburg . In 1919 he succeeded Heinrich Kiliani as a full professor at the chair of chemistry at the Medical Faculty in Freiburg. From 1925 he was a member of the Leopoldina and the Heidelberg Academy of Sciences . In 1928 he moved to the University of Tübingen . He was a specialist advisor at the German Research Foundation and, during the Nazi era, chairman of the Leopoldina since 1935 . In 1940 he became a member of the NSDAP .

Together with Dankwart Ackermann , he founded the "German Physiological-Chemical Society" in 1942 (today Society for Biochemistry and Molecular Biology ).


In 1905, Knoop discovered the β-oxidation of fatty acids . In addition to Hans Adolf Krebs and Carl Martius , he clarified the reaction sequence of the citric acid cycle in 1937 . He determined the structure of histidine and proved that amino acids can be synthesized not only in the plant organism, but also in the animal body.


Web links

Individual evidence

  1. biographical data, publications and Academic pedigree of Franz Knoop at, accessed on February 24 2018th
  2. ^ Member entry of Franz G. Knoop at the German Academy of Natural Scientists Leopoldina , accessed on June 28, 2016.
  3. ^ Members of the HAdW since it was founded in 1909. Franz Knoop. Heidelberg Academy of Sciences, accessed June 28, 2016 .
  4. a b Ernst Klee : The dictionary of persons on the Third Reich . Who was what before and after 1945 . Fischer Taschenbuch Verlag, Second updated edition, Frankfurt am Main 2005, p. 321.