Franz Michael d'Aubert

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Franz Michael d'Aubert (born August 21, 1795 in Rendsburg , † May 15, 1868 in Kiel ) was a German politician.

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Franz Michael d'Aubert was a son of the Danish officer Jaques D'Aubert (1769-1844) from Copenhagen . His mother Christine Sophie Caroline, née von Destinon, was the daughter of a natural child of King Friedrich V. The noble family D'Aubert came from Lorraine and settled in Denmark in the 18th century.

Franz Michael d'Aubert attended the learned school of the Johanneum in Hamburg from 1810 to 1814 and then studied law at universities in Göttingen and Kiel until 1818 . After graduating in 1818 in Glückstadt , he volunteered as an auscultant at the local high court from 1819 to 1823 and was awarded the title of adjunct member in 1819. On December 4, 1823 he took over the office of mayor of Oldenburg on an interim basis . When he was finally appointed office holder on June 28, 1826, he also acted as the city counsel and city secretary there.

In 1830 d'Aubert took part in Uwe Jens Lornsen's movement, which led to his suspension from office until May 14, 1831. The cities of Oldenburg, Lütjenburg and Plön elected him to the Holstein assembly of estates . As one of the most important members of parliament from 1835 to 1840, he played a decisive role in the deliberations on the order of the estates.

During the Schleswig-Holstein uprising , d'Aubert was considered politically inopportune and, among other things, dropped the title of Chamberlain. The government recommended in 1853 that he should ask to be allowed to resign from all municipal offices. D'Aubert acted as recommended and received a pension from August 1, 1853. However, he kept the jurisdiction in the Grand Ducal Oldenburg Fideicommiss and Allodialgüter, which he held since about 1834.

In 1855, d'Aubert moved to Neustadt in Holstein . From 1859 to 1863 he represented Neustadt and Heiligenhafen as a member of the Holstein Assembly of Estates.

Franz Michael d'Aubert, who married Blandine Grube (1797–1879) from Kiel on April 6, 1825, died there on May 15, 1868.


  • Kurt Hector: D'Aubert, Franz Michael . in: Schleswig-Holstein Biographical Lexicon . Volume 1. Karl Wachholtz Verlag, Neumünster 1970, pp. 118–119