Franz Robert Schöni

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Franz Robert Schöni (born March 21, 1841 in Erlach , Canton Bern , † March 28, 1876 ibid) was a Swiss poet and teacher .

life and work

Franz Robert Schöni was born in 1841 as the son of a court president on Lake Biel . After attending the Cantonal School in Bern , he studied law at the University of Applied Sciences there in 1862. This was followed by a two-year stay at the University of Heidelberg , where he first devoted himself to philosophical and philological studies, and later to studying English and Spanish literature. In 1868 he stayed at the University of Tübingen , where he was awarded a Dr. phil. PhD. In the spring of the same year he went on a journey of several months to southern France and Catalonia . Back in Switzerland , he completed his habilitation in 1870 as a private lecturer at the Bern University and one year later became a teacher of German language and literature at the grammar school of the Bern canton school.

In 1871, Schöni's book Der Stifter von Hofwyl: Fellenberg’s life and work about Philipp Emanuel von Fellenberg was published by J. Allemann Verlag in Bern . In 1873 he then produced his poetry volume under the simple title of poems , published by Fiala-Verlag in Bern for attention.

One week after his 35th birthday, Franz Robert Schöni died in 1876 in his birthplace Erlach.

Books (selection)

Single volumes

  • The founder of Hofwyl: Fellenberg's life and work. Bern 1871.
  • Poems. Poetry. Bern 1873.


  • Franz Robert Schöni. In: Magazine for Foreign Literature, Volumes 83–84. 1873, p. 99 ( ).
  • Franz Robert Schöni. In: Sheets for literary entertainment. 1874, p. 281 ( ).
  • Schöni, Franz Robert. In: Franz Brümmer: Lexicon of German poets and prose writers from the beginning of the 19th century to the present. Volume 6: Riſch to Spiller. 6th, completely revised and greatly increased edition, Philipp Reclam jun., Leipzig 1913, p. 289 ( ):
  • Franz Robert Schöni. In: Gertrud Züricher : Swiss poetry from Albrecht von Haller to the present. Huber 1944, p. 112.

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Franz Robert Schöni In: Franz Brümmer : Brümmer, Franz: Lexicon of German poets and prose writers from the beginning of the 19th century to the present. Vol. 6. 6. Edition Leipzig 1913, page 289.
  2. ^ Franz Robert Schöni. In: Our Time: Yearbook for Conversations Lexicon. Volume 30. Leipzig, 1876, p. 39.