Philipp Emanuel von Fellenberg

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Philipp Emanuel von Fellenberg (born June 15, 1771 in Bern , † November 21, 1844 in Hofwil near Münchenbuchsee ) was a Swiss educator and agronomist.

Philipp Emanuel von Fellenberg
Hofwil in the 19th century


Philipp Emanuel von Fellenberg came from an old Bernese patrician family . After training by his Dutch mother Philippine Maria Suarz (1748-1805) and at the École militaire of Gottlieb Konrad Pfeffel in Colmar , he studied law and philosophy in Tübingen , undertook educational trips for a long time and then stayed in Parison. On his return home he came into conflict with the local patriciate, whose rule he had criticized, and after the French invasion in 1798 with them too, but was then rehabilitated and sent as envoy to Paris, where he successfully sought relief the situation in Switzerland began. However, he soon withdrew voluntarily from politics and worked as a public educator at the suggestion of his parents.

In 1799, together with his father Daniel von Fellenberg (1736–1801), he bought the Hofwil estate near Bern, took it over completely after his father's death, founded a model farm and wrote agronomic publications. Little by little, a number of teaching and educational institutions were added to the model company. a. For

  • neglected children (1804 with Johann Jacob Wehrli )
  • young farmers (1807)
  • Teachers and sons of higher classes (1808)

One of the most famous students was the future Italian politician Stefano Jacini .

Johann Karl Christian Lippe worked at the educational institution from 1809 to 1922. Due to irreconcilable differences with Fellenberg, Lippe and several teachers with him left Hofwil in 1822.

Fellenberg's wife Margaretha von Tscharner (1778–1839) established an educational institute for young girls of all classes. Attempts were made twice to merge these institutions with those of Johann Heinrich Pestalozzi (1804 and 1817), but the two educators could not agree on a common line. A violent polemic for Pestalozzi and against Fellenberg later led Jeremias Gotthelf . He thought his compatriot from Bern was a despot, fanatic and self-centered.

In 1820 Fellenberg joined the Grand Council of his canton, became its President in 1831 and a member of the Education Department and the Constitutional Council, and in 1833 Bernese Landammann , but after a few conflicts withdrew completely into his institutions. After his death in 1844, his son Wilhelm Tell von Fellenberg took over the Hofwil agricultural establishment until 1855.

There is still a grammar school in Hofwil today. Fellenberg's estate is in the Bern Burger Library .


  • Agricultural papers from Hofwyl , Maurhofer & Dellenbach, Aarau 1808–1817 (5 issues)
    • Depiction of the educational institution for the poor in Hofwyl. From its founder E. v. F. Specially reprinted from the fourth booklet of Hofwyl's agricultural papers . Aarau 1813
    • Observations extraites des feuilles d'Hofwyl, sur les semoirs à grains de toute espèce et leur emploi . [Bern? 1813]
  • Vues relative à l'agriculture de la Suisse et aux moyens de la perfectionner ; traduit de l'Allemand by C. Pictet. Geneva 1808
  • Preliminary news about the educational institution for the higher classes in Hofwyl . [Bern] 1811
  • Illumination of a world judicial question to our zeitgeist . at CA Jenni, Bern 1830 (later: Thoemmes Press, Bristol, 1994 ISBN 1855062798 )
  • Letter to the Constitutional Council of the Canton of Bern, ... April 1831 . Bern: Printed by Carl Rätzer, Bern 1831
  • The three-month educational course , Bern 1833


  • Franz Robert Schöni : The founder of Hofwyl: life and work of Fellenberg. Bern 1871.
  • Emil BlöschFellenberg, Philipp Emanuel . In: Allgemeine Deutsche Biographie (ADB). Volume 6, Duncker & Humblot, Leipzig 1877, p. 612 f.
  • H. Gilomen: The Meikirch Children's Colony. An educational experiment a hundred years ago. Beyer & Sons, Langensalza 1929. (= Friedrich Mann's Pedagogical Magazine. Issue 1245). - About the children's colony founded by Fellenberg in 1826, with which he wanted to prove that his educational-agricultural concept could also function independently of a large model farm like Hofwil.
  • Kurt Guggisberg: Philipp Emanuel von Fellenberg and his education state . Lang, Bern 1953.
  • Kurt GuggisbergFellenberg, Philipp Emanuel von. In: New German Biography (NDB). Volume 5, Duncker & Humblot, Berlin 1961, ISBN 3-428-00186-9 , p. 71 ( digitized version ).
  • Victor Aimé Huber : Memories of Fellenberg and Hofwyl. For the 200th birthday of Philipp Emanuel Fellenberg. Special print from the Berner Zeitschrift für Geschichte und Heimatkunde, issue 1/1971.
  • Rudolf Wepfer: "I am also the work of myself". Philipp Emanuel von Fellenberg. Biographical sketch of a pioneer in education and a fighter for a free education system . Verlag am Goetheanum, Dornach 2000. ISBN 3-7235-1086-8
  • Denise Wittwer Hesse: The family von Fellenberg and the schools from Hofwyl. Educational ideals, "domestic happiness" and entrepreneurship of a Bernese patrician family in the first half of the 19th century . Historical Association, Bern 2002. (= Archive of the Historical Association of the Canton of Bern; 82) ISBN 3-85731-022-7

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Helene von Lerber: Margaretha von Fellenberg born. from Tscharner. The wife of Philipp Emanuel von Fellenberg, 1778-1839 . In: Berner Zeitschrift für Geschichte und Heimatkunde 6 (1944), pp. 213–229 ( digitized version of the ETH library in Zurich).