Franz von Kesselstatt (Canon, 1757)

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Imperial Count Franz Hyazinth Christoph Philipp Anton von Kesselstatt (born August 30, 1757 in Trier ; † September 12, 1814 in Paderborn ) was canon in Eichstätt, Hildesheim and Münster as well as canon and cathedral dean in Paderborn.


Origin and family

The noble von Kesselstatt family originally came from the Hessian area, whose parent company of the same name was near Kesselstadt . In the 13th and 14th centuries it came to the Trier area and produced numerous personalities who held important positions in church and state. Franz Hyazinth was born as the son of the landlord Hugo Kasimir Edmund von Kesselstatt (1727–1796) and his wife Elisabeth Freiin von Katzenelnbogen . His great-grandfather Johann Eberhard (* 1621, construction of the Föhren Castle in 1663) had married Anna Antonette von Orsbeck. She was a sister of Prince-Bishop Johann Hugo von Orsbeck . After his death in 1711, Johann Eberhard received large estates from his wife's inheritance and achieved great prestige. Franz Hyazinth had 13 siblings:

  • Franz Ludwig Hyazinth (1753–1841, Mainz cathedral capitular and painter)
  • Johann Philipp (1754–1828, provost in Karden / Mosel)
  • Friedrich (1755–1780)
  • Karl (1756–1829)
  • Isabella Sophia (1758–1789)
  • Josef Emmerich (1759–1762)
  • Clara Philippine (1760–1819, ∞ Johann Josef Heinrich von Thünnefeld, Trier Chamberlain)
  • Johann Hugo (1761–1762)
  • Maria Anna (1763-1825)
  • Edmund Jodoc Willibald (1765–1840, Roman Catholic clergyman)
  • Sophia (1767-1767)
  • Clemens Wenzeslaus (1768-1822)
  • Kunigunde (1773-1793)

Career and work

At the age of 12 years Franz Hyacinth received a 1769 Dompräbende in Halberstadt and on January 9, 1773, he was a canon in Eichstatt , where he in December 1778 waived . From 1773 to 1774 he studied in Vienna and then in Reims . He received the Dompräbende in Hildesheim in 1774 and by papal approval in 1789 a prebend in Paderborn . Due to the resignation of the canon of Hoensbrock, it came into the possession of a prebende in Münster in 1798 . In 1801 he was on a diplomatic mission in Vienna on behalf of the Paderborn Cathedral Chapter. Franz Hyazinth was elected Paderborn Cathedral Dean on August 5, 1802 . He died here on December 28, 1814, leaving a very valuable library.


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