Franz von Schilcher

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Franz von Schilcher (born December 25, 1836 in Altötting ; † February 4, 1931 in Munich ), was a German lawyer, Bavarian civil servant, mountaineer and specialist author and co-founder of the Munich and Traunstein sections of the German Alpine Club (DAV).


Franz Sales Emanuel Karl von Schilcher was the son of Max August von Schilcher - at that time a district judge in Altötting - and his wife Walburga (Wally), née Lackner. When the father was appointed cabinet secretary to King Ludwig I of Bavaria in 1838 , the family moved to the state capital. In 1854 Schilcher graduated from the Maximiliansgymnasium in Munich with, among others, Maximilian Beilhack and Karl August von Heigel . He then studied law at the Ludwig Maximilians University in Munich and then entered the Bavarian civil service. Initially appellate court advisor in Munich, he was appointed assessor in Traunstein in 1869. In 1876 he was appointed district judge, 1879 regional judge, and later higher regional judge in Munich. As the latter, he retired in 1902.

Schilcher was an enthusiastic mountaineer and especially the Berchtesgaden Alps. With Johann Punz and J. Schöttl he succeeded in 1885 the first ascent of the Kleiner Palfelhorn . In 1869 he was co-founder of the Munich section of the Alpine Club and at times its secretary. With Ferdinand Freiherr von Miller and Hermann Dingler he was finally made an honorary member. Also in 1869, together with the pharmacist Joseph Pauer, he was the initiator of the foundation of the Traunstein section of the association and its 1st chairman. The construction of the Watzmannhaus (1887) and the Höllentalangerhütte in the Wetterstein Mountains (1894) are also based on his suggestions. He was also a member of the General German Association (ADV) founded in 1891 .

On October 28, 1883, Schilcher married Luitgard Schmid in Munich. The children of this marriage were the son Max Ludwig Franz Karl (born November 24, 1884 in Munich) and the daughters Bertha Maria Walburga Anna Margaretha (born July 21, 1886 in Wemding) and Mathilde Maria Luise (born May 16, 1890 in Roßhaupten; married 1920 with the painter Bruno Goldschmitt ). The family belonged to the circle of friends of the painter Wilhelm Marc .

Fonts (selection)

  • Over the Zugspitze. I. Descent to the Eibsee. By assessor Franz von Schilcher , in: Th. Trautwein (Hrsg.): Journal of the German and Austrian Alpine Association, Volume IV. J. Lindauer, Munich 1873, pp. 153-168.
  • About the Adamello-Presanella group and the ascent of the Corno bianco and the Adamello , ibid., Volume V, 1874, pp. 91–117.
  • Via the Brenta chain, the Bocca di Brenta and an ascent of the Brenta alta , ibid., VI. Volume, 1875, p. 102 ff.
  • On climbing the Pressanella , ibid., Volume VII, 1876, p. 97 ff.
  • From the Berchtesgaden group: I. Ascent of the Hochkalter. 2. Ascent of the Kleiner Watzmann. 3. Ascent of the Hochspitze of the Watzmann and the Schönfeldspitze , ibid., Vol. IX, 1878, p. 179ff.
  • From the Berchtesgaden group. IV. Hochkalter from the blue ice. V. Großes Mühlsturzhorn and Wagendrischlhorn , ibid., Vol. XI, 1880, pp. 443ff.
  • Uebergossene Alpe and Hochkönig in the Ewigschnee Mountains , ibid., Vol. XIV, 1884, p. 466ff.


  • Munich Section of the German and Austrian Alpine Association (ed.): 60th annual report (Association year 1929). Self-published, Munich 1930 (photo).

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Registration documents (PMB): Munich, City Archives
  2. ^ Annual report on the K. Maximilians-Gymnasium in Munich for the school year 1853/54
  3. ^ Justice Ministerial Gazette for the Kingdom of Bavaria, 7th year. Munich 1869, p. 130
  4. Personnel file in the Bavarian Main State Archives 1861–1902; Signature: BayHStA, MJu 19767
  5. at the monthly meeting of May 3, 1876, he gave a lecture on his ascent of the Presanella, cf. Minutes of the monthly meeting of May 3, 76, in: Minutes Book 1 of the Munich Section 1874–1880
  7. * September 19, 1860 in Asch; Daughter of Dr. Ludwig Schmid (†), general practitioner in Roßhaupten , District Office Füssen , and Anna, geb. Violinist (†)
  8. ^ Franz Marc: The dreams and life - biography, in: