French angelfish

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French angelfish
Pomacanthus paru.JPG

French angelfish ( Pomacanthus paru )

Spinefish (Acanthopterygii)
Perch relatives (Percomorphaceae)
Order : Surgeonfish (Acanthuriformes)
Family : Angelfish (Pomacanthidae)
Genre : Real angelfish ( Pomacanthus )
Type : French angelfish
Scientific name
Pomacanthus paru
( Bloch , 1787)

The French angelfish ( Pomacanthus paru ) is a kind of the genus Pomacanthus from the family of angelfish (Pomacanthidae). It is a close relative of the gray angelfish ( Pomacanthus arcuatus ).


French angelfish grow up to 38 centimeters long. Their basic body color is dark, slate gray, with yellow edges on the scales. The throat region is a single color, dark gray. The muzzle is white. The dorsal and anal fins have a thread-like extension.

Young French angelfish are black with five vertical yellow stripes on their bodies.


It lives in the tropical and subtropical Atlantic , from the coast of Brazil to Florida , near Bermuda and in the southern Caribbean . He also lives in the eastern Atlantic, on the coast of West Africa . French angelfish have large territories of over 1000 m² in which they live in pairs or individually.


French angelfish feed on sponges , tunicates , bryozoans , hydroids , gorgonians , fish eggs, seaweed and algae .

Aquarium keeping

French angelfish are occasionally imported for keeping in saltwater aquariums. Responsible enthusiasts should refrain from buying, as animals of this size cannot be given an adequate habitat.


The French angelfish is eaten as an edible fish in some countries, especially in the tropics.


  • Gerald R. Allen: Butterfly and Angelfish. Volume 2: Atlantic, Caribbean, Red Sea and Indo-Pacific. New edition. Mergus Verlag, Melle 1979, ISBN 3-88244-002-3 .
  • Hans A. Baensch , Robert A. Patzner: Sea water atlas. Volume 6: Non-Perciformes (non-perch-like), as well as butterfly and angel fishermen. Mergus-Verlag, Melle 1999, ISBN 3-88244-116-X .

Web links

Commons : French Angelfish ( Pomacanthus paru )  - Collection of images, videos and audio files