Fredo Bley

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Fredo Bley (born June 2, 1929 in Obermylau , Vogtland ; † November 29, 2010 in Reichenbach im Vogtland ) was a German painter and graphic artist .


Fredo Robert Bley was the son of a working-class family and attended the Erwin Hartzsch School in Mylau until he was 14. After the end of the war, he finished his apprenticeship as a lithographer at the Graphische Kunstanstalt Carl Werner, which he had started in 1943. He then worked temporarily in agriculture and forestry. At the age of 20 (1948), Bley began to earn his living as a decorative and lettering painter. In 1952 he was accepted as the youngest member of the Association of German Artists. For financial reasons he worked in a brick factory for another five years from 1959. From 1964 to 1968 Bley was head of the painting circle “Painting and Drawing” in Lengenfeld and from 1978 to 1990 in the culture house of the then publicly owned company NEMA Netzschkau. It was only at the age of 37 (1966) that Bley began to work exclusively as a freelance artist. At the beginning he worked again as a decoration and lettering painter, produced pictures at the request of private persons, institutions and companies and worked as a restorer. In addition to numerous exhibitions, reproductions in newspapers and calendars as well as record sleeves also increased its popularity. In 1966 he restored the baroque field ceiling in the Limbach church in Vogtland, where he gave the ornaments a new character. Bley has been a member of the Federal Association of Visual Artists since 1992.

The artist had around 60 exhibitions, including the 2001 exhibition "Examples of Contemporary Art in the New States" at the Federal Chancellery in Berlin.

Exhibitions and study trips

Fredo Bley had his first self-organized exhibition in 1946 in the former Erwin-Hartzsch-Schule in Mylau, which was an exhibition venue three times until 1980. At the age of 22, Bley exhibited with a few other young colleagues at the “World Festival of Youth and Students” in Berlin. He also took part in the 1952 artist exhibition in Dessau. As a member of the Association of Visual Artists in Germany, Bley was obliged to take part in exhibitions in the district area every two years. At that time, his pictures were mainly to be seen in Karl-Marx-Stadt, Greiz and Reichenbach. Since 1966, Bley took part in a number of study trips abroad, including to Russia (1973) and Poland (1979) and designed numerous exhibitions with them. In 1971 Bley presented an exhibition in the “Art and Time” gallery in Dresden. In 1975 an exhibition of his works in the "Galerie am Boulevard" followed at the invitation of the Rostock city administration. In 1976 and 1977, Bley traveled to Bulgaria twice. 1976 as part of a study trip and the associated group exhibition of various artists in the “Strashiza” gallery in Sofia. In 1977 he received an award from the Berlin Artists' Association. Thereupon the Bulgarian Artists Association offered him the possibility of a solo exhibition in the artist house in Sofia. In 1979, Fredo Bley organized an exhibition in what was then Czechoslovakia and a joint exhibition with other artists in Poland. Since then, many other exhibitions have followed in the vicinity, including several times in Netzschkau Castle (including 1999), in the Neuensalz Concert and Exhibition Center (1998), in the Neuberin Museum in Reichenbach, in the Castle of Mylau, in the Vogtland Museum in Plauen , in Dessau, Leipzig, Halle , Greiz. In 2001 Bley took part in the exhibition "Examples of Contemporary Art in the New States" at the Federal Chancellery in Berlin. In total, Fredo Bley took part in around 60 exhibitions.

Forms of expression

Fredo Bley did not have any academic training. He occasionally got advice from Alwin Schlehahn (Reichenbach), Kurt Geipel (Netzschkau, † 1944), Walter Löhner (Reichenbach, † 1968). Bley's painting was mainly influenced by painting of the 19th and 20th centuries, such as early French freedom painting, German and French impressionism , neo- and post-impressionism, and even expressionism . His style of painting is characterized by many strong colors, whereby he mainly used oil colors. The heavily applied color often forms real color reliefs. Until the 1960s he drew graphics, made linoleum and woodcuts and worked a lot with water color. The artist only developed his love for oil paints over time. The motifs are above all concrete, even everyday and familiar landscapes, city and village views; but also still lifes and portraits. Bley estimated the number of his pictures to be around 3,000.


  1. District Office Vogtlandkreis (Ed., 1999): Fredo Bley - Landschaftsbilder. Süddruck Neumann KG, Plauen.
  2. Fredo Bley (1989): Painting - Graphics. Printing works Reichenbach, Reichenbach / Vogtland.
  3. ARTES Kunsthandlung GmbH (1999): ARTES - The international art house, art of our world No. 22. Art and advertising printing, Bad Oeynhausen.
  4. Theresa Kölbel (2008): Complex performance "Fredo Bley". Verbal communications on the conversation with Fredo Bley on November 1st, 2008.

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