Frenti Dezenvolvimentu Demokratiku

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FDD election campaign event in Tasitolu (2018)

The Frenti Dezenvolvimentu Demokratiku FDD ( German  Front Democratic Development ) was an alliance of East Timorese parties. It was founded on December 11, 2017 and disbanded on June 18, 2018.

The president of the FDD was António de Sá Benevides , who was also president of the Partidu Unidade Dezenvolvimentu Demokratieiku (PUDD) . President of the National Political Council of the FDD was Agustinho Gomes , Vice-President of Konsórsiu Nasionál Timorense (CNT) and Director of the Tinolina construction company.

Member parties
Political party political orientation Number of votes 2017 Share of votes 2017
PUDD.tif Partidu Unidade Dezenvolvimentu Demokratiku PUDD 15,887 2.8%
TL-UDT.png União Democrática Timorense UDT conservative 11,255 2.0%
Frenti Mudanca 2015.png Frenti-Mudança FM social democratic 8,849 1.6%
TL-PDN.png Partido do Desenvolvimento Nacional PDN 3,846 0.7%
Flag of PR (East Timor) .svg Partidu Republikanu PR
(retired in 2018)
3,951 0.7%

Founding members of the alliance were the parties PUDD, Frenti-Mudança FM , União Democrática Timorense UDT and Partido do Desenvolvimento Nacional PDN . The Partidu Republikanu PR joined the FDD on December 22nd, but left the alliance on February 27th, 2018.

The final members had a total of 39,837 votes in the 2017 parliamentary elections , which corresponds to 7.1% of the votes. In the early elections in 2018 , the FDD succeeded in entering the national parliament with a voting share of 5.5% (34,301 votes) with three members: António de Sá Benevides (PUDD), Gilman Exposto dos Santos (UDT) and Isabel Maria Barreto Freitas Ximenes (FM).

On June 14, 2018, Ximenes was elected first deputy secretary of the Parliament's Bureau. Benevides boycotted the vote together with the MPs of the opposition parties FRETILIN and PD , since the other posts in the parliamentary presidium went exclusively to representatives of the ruling coalition Aliança para Mudança e Progresso (AMP). Ximenes was supported by her second group colleague Santos. The difference of opinion about the legality of the presidium election led to a break within the FDD and on June 17th to the dissolution of the alliance.

Web links

Commons : Frenti Dezenvolvimentu Demokratiku  - Collection of pictures, videos and audio files

Individual evidence

  1. a b Facebook page of the FDD , accessed on March 3, 2018.
  2. GMNTV: António de Sá Benevides lidera koligasaun FDD , January 23, 2018 , accessed on May 24, 2018.
  3. GMN TV: FDD sei vota kontra programa AMP nebe la benefisia povu , May 21, 2018 , accessed on May 22, 2018.
  4. Business Timor: Projetu emerjénsia karater diferente , May 27, 2013 , accessed on May 22, 2018.
  5. Juventude Republikanu's Facebook page , accessed on March 3, 2018.
  6. CNE: Preliminary final result of July 27, 2017 .
  7. CNE: Apuramento Eleisaun MP 2018 , May 17, 2018 , accessed May 17, 2018.
  8. Diário de Notícias: Timor-Leste / Eleições: Tribunal de Recurso valida resultados, vitória da Fretilin , August 1, 2017 , accessed on August 1, 2017.
  9. List of candidates , accessed on May 22, 2018.
  10. Tatoli: FDD Apoiu AMP Iha Kompozisaun Meza FRETILIN-PD Wo , June 14, 2018 , accessed on June 14, 2018.
  11. Tatoli: FDD Disolve PUDD "Apoiu" Fretilin UDT ho FM "Sadedere" AMP , June 18, 2018 , accessed June 19, 2018.