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Sweden Blekinge location map.svg
Localization of Blekinge in Sweden
State : Sweden
Province  (län): Blekinge län
Historical Province (landskap): Blekinge
Municipality  : Karlskrona
Coordinates : 56 ° 16 '  N , 15 ° 32'  E Coordinates: 56 ° 16 '  N , 15 ° 32'  E
SCB code : 2620
Status: Crime scene
Residents : 708 (December 31, 2015)
Area : 1.1 km²
Population density : 644 inhabitants / km²
List of perpetrators in Blekinge County

Fridlevstad is a place ( Tatort ) in the municipality of Karlskrona in the Swedish province of Blekinge and is located about 5 kilometers west of Rödeby .


Fridlevstad is about 10 kilometers north of Karlskrona . In 2015 the place had 708 inhabitants and a size of 110 ha. The eastern settlement area is also called Pålycke. There are the two lakes Pålyckegölen (north of the settlement) and Pålyckesjön (south). In the north is the Stora Alljungen - one of numerous other lakes in the area.

Development of the population and size of the area:

year Residents Area (ha)
1970 455
1980 874
1990 775 95
2000 709 95
2010 713 93
2015 708 110


Fridlevstad Municipality was founded in 1883. In the course of the regional reform in 1952, Sillhövda was incorporated. From 1963 parts of the place Tving belonged to Fridlevstad. The territorial reform of 1974 finally led to the incorporation into Karlskrona. Numerous residential buildings were built around the old parish center, especially in the 1950s and 1980s. In 1957 the first terraced house was built in Pålycke. Before the incorporation with Karlskrona, the municipality invested in the recreation area at Lake Alljungen.


Fridlevstad Church

The church is one of the oldest in Blekinge Province and was likely built in the Romanesque style in the late 1100s or early 1200s. During the Nordic Seven Years' War (1563-1570) the church was destroyed, but then rebuilt. The sacristy adjoining the choir on the north side was built in 1714. Between 1779 and 1781 the church building was extended to the west.

Web links

Commons : Fridlevstad  - collection of images, videos and audio files

Individual evidence

  1. a b c Statistiska centralbyrån : Land area per crime scene, folkmängd och invånare per square kilometer. Vart femte år 1960 - 2015 (database query)
  2. Karlskrona ( Memento from May 19, 2014 in the Internet Archive ) (PDF document, provided by
  3. Bebyggelseregistrets anläggningspresentation
  4. ^ William Anderson: Kyrkor i Medelsta härad. In: Sveriges Kyrkor - Blekinge. Volume 1, Issue 2. Svenska bokhandelscentralen, Stockholm 1932. P. 316 ff