Peace of Zadar

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The Peace of Zadar was a peace treaty that was concluded on February 18, 1358 in Zadar (Zara) between the Kingdom of Croatia in personal union with Hungary and the Republic of Venice and ended the Venetian War 1356-1358 in Dalmatia .


Since his accession to the throne in 1342, the Croatian-Hungarian King Ludwig von Anjou sought to expand the power of the Croatian-Hungarian Kingdom in the Adriatic region. To this end, he waged several wars from 1344, both against the Kingdom of Naples in southern Italy and against the Republic of Venice in Dalmatia and Istria . In the Venetian siege of Zadar (1345-1346) he was unsuccessful and the city came under the rule of the Venetians. But in the great war against the Venetians 1356-1358 he succeeded in driving the Venetian troops out of Dalmatia and bringing the entire north-eastern Adriatic coast (except for the Republic of Ragusa ) under his control.

The current appearance of the monastery of St. Francis of Assisi , where the peace treaty was signed

Peace treaty

In February 1358 King Ludwig appeared in Zadar with a large retinue, where he met the ambassador of the Doge of Venice Giovanni Dolfin . In the sacristy of the monastery of St. Francis of Assisi , located in the western part of Zadar, the treaty was signed on February 18, 1358, in which the Republic of Venice covers all of Dalmatia and the northern Croatian coast from the Kvarner Bay in the north to the Bay of Kotor in the south as well as the coast to Durrës in today's Albania . Furthermore, the doge was no longer allowed to bear the title of Duke of Dalmatia . Istria, on the other hand, remained in the hands of the Venetians.


With the Peace of Zadar, the entire Croatian coast was again in possession of the Croatian-Hungarian crown for the first time since the reign of King Dmitar Zvonimir (1075-1089). Only the city of Ragusa retained a special status as an autonomous municipality as the Republic of Ragusa . Despite further military clashes between the troops of King Louis and his allies and the armed forces of Venice in the years 1378-1381, the provisions of the Peace of Zadar remained in force during the second half of the 14th century until Ladislaus of Naples , King of Naples , who was crowned in 1403 Croatia and counter-king of Sigismund of Luxembourg for the Croatian-Hungarian throne, sold all of Dalmatia in 1409 to the Republic of Venice for 100,000 ducats . Zadar then became the capital of the Venetian province on the northeastern Adriatic coast and the seat of a provider .

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