Friedel Hoffmann

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Friedel Hoffmann (* 14. December 1912 in Neukölln ; † 26. December 1997 in Berlin ), born Schmiedel , from 1952 married name Lange , one was German resistance fighter against the Nazis , SED functionary , FDJ - functionary and board member of the Association of Victims of Nazi regime (VVN).


After she left school, the first major conflict of her life arose. She wanted to be a teacher, but first had to learn another profession so that her mother could at least pay the rent for the small apartment. Hoffmann joined the Social Democratic Party of Germany (SPD) in 1930 . From 1930 to 1933 she was a member of the district executive committee of the Socialist Youth Workers (SAJ). After the transfer of power to the NSDAP , she continued her anti-fascist work in the illegal resistance group Parole . In 1934 she was taken into " protective custody ", sentenced to prison by a court and served six months in a women's prison. After her release in 1935, she continued to work illegally.

When the Nazi rule was eliminated, she became a member of the SPD district executive in Berlin-Neukölln . As a member of the Central Youth Committee, she was a co-founder of the Free German Youth (FDJ). On February 28, 1946, as a representative of the SPD, she was one of the applicants for approval of the FDJ at the Allied Command in Berlin. However, the FDJ was not admitted to Berlin until October 7, 1947, nineteen months after the FDJ was admitted to the rest of the Soviet occupation zone. On April 14, 1946, as a delegate of the SPD, she took part in the unification party convention of the Berlin KPD and SPD, was elected to the Berlin state leadership of the Socialist Unity Party of Germany (SED) and worked on equal terms with Gerda Sredzki in the youth secretariat of the SED state executive committee of Groß- Berlin . She was also a delegate of the unification congress of the KPD and the SPD on 21/22. April 1946 and has been a member of the First City Council of Greater Berlin since 1946 . From 1948 she belonged to the First People's Council of the Soviet Zone with the mandate of the FDJ. From 1947 to 1950 Hoffmann was a member of the SED party executive. Around the same time she was also a member of the FDJ Central Council. From 1948 to October 1950 she was first secretary of the SED district leadership Berlin-Weißensee, was replaced by Johann Raskop and then appointed as cultural director of the HF Köpenick plant for telecommunications.

Since 1947 she was a member of the board of the VVN in the Soviet zone of occupation (SBZ).


  • Elke Reuter, Detlef Hansel: The short life of the VVN from 1947 to 1953: The history of those persecuted by the Nazi regime in the Soviet Zone and GDR. Berlin 1997, ISBN 3-929161-97-4 , p. 571
  • Werner Breunig, Siegfried Heimann , Andreas Herbst : Biographical Handbook of Berlin City Councilors and Members of Parliament 1946–1963 (=  series of publications by the Berlin State Archives . Volume 14 ). Landesarchiv Berlin , Berlin 2011, ISBN 978-3-9803303-4-3 , p. 126-127 (331 pages).

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. ^ New Germany of October 8, 1946
  2. ^ New Germany of October 8, 1946
  3. Archive link ( Memento of the original from March 30, 2014 in the Internet Archive ) Info: The archive link was inserted automatically and has not yet been checked. Please check the original and archive link according to the instructions and then remove this notice. @1@ 2Template: Webachiv / IABot /
  4. ^ New Germany of April 22, 1965
  5. ^ New Germany of November 16, 1949
  6. ^ New Germany of August 5, 1951