Peace of Baden

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Member of the Baden Peace Congress 1714, painting by Johann Rudolf Huber

The Peace of Baden , which was concluded in Baden in Aargau on September 7, 1714, is one of the peace agreements at the end of the War of the Spanish Succession . He followed the Peace of Utrecht and the Peace of Rastatt .

Emperor Charles VI. had initially not consented to the Peace of Utrecht, but after a short continuation of the war on March 7, 1714, in the Peace of Rastatt, it was essentially confirmed for Austria. The war was over. In the Peace of Baden, among other things, the formal agreements with the Holy Roman Empire that were still missing were made.

  • With the Peace of Baden, Emperor Karl VI. his title as King of Spain and Spanish Heritage. However, all of these titles of the Spanish crown were in fact worthless for Charles, since Philip V was the only one who retained the real power in Spain .


  • The Diary of the Peace of Baden 1714 by Caspar Joseph Dorer . With introduction and commentary edited by Barbara Schmid. (= Contributions to Aargau history. 18). Baden: Hier und Jetzt, 2014. ISBN 978-3-03919-327-1 .
  • Ernst Baumeler: Negotiating and Dining for Peace, in: Neue Zürcher Zeitung, October 7, 2014 Paid online version .
  • Rolf Stücheli: The Peace of Baden (Switzerland) 1714. A European diplomatic congress and peace agreement of the Ancien Régime. (Diss. Freiburg i.Üe. 1994) (= Historical Writings of the University of Freiburg, Volume 15). Freiburg i.Üe .: University Press, 1997. ISBN 3-7278-1109-9 .
  • Rolf Stücheli: The Baden Peace of 1714. A diplomatic congress and peace treaty of old Europe in Switzerland. In: Argovia , 109 (1997), pp. 205-222 ( doi : 10.5169 / seals-14269 ).