Frieder Schuller

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Frieder Schuller (born July 13, 1942 in Cața ) is a Romanian-German writer.


Frieder Schuller's father was a pastor in Cața (Katzendorf) and later in Hălchiu (Heldsdorf). He studied theology in Sibiu (Hermannstadt) and German in Cluj (Klausenburg). He worked in Brașov (Kronstadt) as an editor of the Karpatenrundschau magazine .

Schuller writes poems in German. In 1969 the first book of poems - Circles of the Unfinished - was published in Bucharest . It was played out . Red wine was much preferred to be banned.

From 1972 Schuller was a dramaturge at the German-speaking theater in Sibiu. While working on the play Movement and the dramatization of Michael Kohlhaas he was hindered by the communist regime. Günter Grass helped him and his family to leave Germany in 1978.

In 1983 he shot a documentary about Conrad Haas for ORF , and in 1984 the feature film Der Glockenkäufer about the exodus and the extinction of the German minority in Transylvania. 2012 saw the world premiere of the play Ossis Stein or Der werfe den first book about Oskar Pastior's years in Romania as well as the documentary A Village Awakens - Transylvania and the Prince for ARTE . He is working on a documentary about Siegfried Jägendorf, who saved the Jews .

Schuller's work has won numerous prizes, including the 1986 Andreas Gryphius Prize .

After the political change in Romania, Schuller restored the rectory in Cața (Katzendorf) and made it a cultural meeting place. Since 1992 he has been organizing the Katzendorfer Kulturtage in the rectory (bilingual: Romanian and German). He is the initiator of the Katzendorfer Dorfschreiberpreis. The first award winner was Elmar Schenkel (2011). This was followed by Jürgen Israel (2013), Carmen Francesca Banciu (2014) and Tanja Dückers (2016).

Schuller lives in Berlin and Katzendorf. He is the father of the fashion photographer Kristian Schuller .

Single track

  • Circle around the unfinished . Poems. Youth publishing house, Bucharest 1969.
  • Played out . Poems. Dacia Verlag, Klausenburg 1972.
  • Much better with red wine . Albatros Publishing House, Bucharest 1975.
  • Passport for Transylvania . Author Verlag, Bonn 1979.
  • Invitation to a bowl of Paluke . Edition Parnass, Bonn 1980.
  • Farewell rumors . Poems. Bilingual edition German / Romanian. Translated into Romanian by Laura Fota. Albatros Publishing House, Bucharest 2005.
  • My fatherland went on the red line. Poems from the years of no enthusiasm 1975–1978 . Hora Verlag, Sibiu 2006.
  • The fear of the park bench before the sunset. Poems . Connewitzer Verlagbuchhandlung, Leipzig 2016.

Anthology (selection)

  • Bogdanowka Christmas Eve . In: Michaela Nowotnick and Florian Kührer-Wielach (eds.): Apartment block blues with shepherd's flute. Tell Romania anew . Verlag Klaus Wagenbach, Berlin 2018, pp. 137–146.

Feature films

  • The bell buyer . Motion pictures. 1984.
  • In the south of my soul . Paul Celan's Bucharest years. Arte 1994.


  • Documentary about Conrad Haas . 1983.
  • A village is awakening . 2013.


  • Moving - piece in two chambers . 1970.
  • Kind regards Michael Kohlhaas . 1977.
  • Dance with the silence . 1996.
  • Ossis Stein or Der throw the first book. 2012.


  • Elmar Schenkel: My year behind the woods . Connewitzer Verlagbuchhandlung, Leipzig 2016.

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. ↑ Prohibition of performance
  2. ↑ Prohibition of performance
  3. 2016 performance in Vienna