Friedrich Blumberger (pedagogue)

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Friedrich Blumberger (born October 24, 1849 in Kreuznach , as Karl August Blumberger, † October 30, 1919 in Cologne ) was a German educator and writer.

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With his Abitur in 1869, Blumberger left the high school in Creuznach , today's high school on the city wall , to take up his natural sciences studies at the Rheinische Friedrich-Wilhelms-Universität Bonn . In 1873 he submitted his dissertation to the mathematical physics at the philosophical faculty . In 1874 he completed his studies with the state examination and the qualification to teach mathematics , physics and biology .

Blumberger burial site

After that he was briefly employed as a teacher at Cologne high schools and then from 1875 to 1885 at the Realgymnasium Klosterstrasse in Düsseldorf .

From 1885 he worked as a royal district school inspector for the Düsseldorf district and in 1888 moved to Cologne as a district school inspector. There, he was given oversight of the national and private schools in Cologne Neustadt and in the suburbs as well as the management of the educational institution for elementary teachers . From 1898 until his death he was the director of what is now the Queen Luise School .

As a writer, he published various school books and educational works as well as the novel Roman from the Nahe Valley in 1907 .

Blumberger died in 1919 a few days after his 70th birthday. He was buried in the family grave in the Melaten cemetery in Cologne (hall 78).


  • Altdüsseldorf. 1st chapter. the Lower Rhine feud up to the elevation of Düsseldorf to a city. - Jakob von Baden , Düsseldorf 1884
  • About youth games: Contribution to the appreciation of the movement to spread the youth and popular games Verl.-Anst., Cologne 1894
  • Introduction to pedagogy in three parts (1. Introduction to Psychology, General Teaching and School Studies 1893; 2. Methodology of the Individual Subjects 1904; 3. Overview of the History of Education and General School Studies 1907. Dumont Schauberg Bookstore), Cologne 1893–1907
  • Introduction to housekeeping. In three parts in one volume, Ferdinand Hirt, 1903
  • Altkreuznach: A novel from the Nahe valley, Verlagbuchhandlung Ahn, Berlin 1907
  • New fables and parables and stories for the youth publishing house Ahn, Berlin 1908

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Individual evidence

  1. a b c Archive database of the library for research on the history of education: Personal cards and forms for teachers of secondary schools in Prussia, accessed on January 14, 2015
  2. Dissertation: The stationary heat movement in the uniformly conducting, right-angled parallelepiped, Bonn 1873, OPAC BV020374359, (full text as digital copy )
  3. ^ Historical archive of the city of Cologne: Schulamt Schulamt (Best. 550), accessed on January 14, 2015
  4. ^ Digitales Art and Culture Archive Düsseldorf Friedrich Blumberger, accessed on January 14, 2015