Friedrich Christian Juncker

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Friedrich Christian Juncker (born May 13, 1730 in Copenhagen , † July 27, 1770 in Halle (Saale) ) was a German medic.


The son of Johann Juncker owed his father a careful upbringing. Under this he studied at the University of Halle , where he received his doctorate in medicine with the dissertation de morbis colicam consequentibus in 1749 . He had worked as a doctor at the orphanage in Halle, had become an associate professor at the Halle University on February 23, 1754 , and succeeded his father on November 29, 1759 as a full professor of medicine. Juncker had also participated in the organizational tasks of the University of Halle and was prorector of the Alma Mater in 1769/70 . His son Johann Christian Wilhelm Juncker (1761–1800) also made a name for himself in the history of medicine.

Friedrich Christian Juncker died on July 27, 1770, at the age of 40 in Halle. He was buried on July 28, 1770 in Halle's Stadtgottesacker , his grave is in crypt arch no.17. His father was buried in the same place in 1759 and his son in 1800.


  • Diss. De morbis colicam consequentibus. Hall 1749
  • Diss. De pracstantia topicorum in pleuritide curanda. Hall 1762


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Individual evidence

  1. Johann Christoph von Dreyhaupt : Pagus Neletizi et Nudzici, or detailed diplomatic-historical description of the former primacy and Ertz-Stifft, but now secularized by the Duchy of Magdeburg, belonging to the Duchy of Magdeburg and all the cities, castles and offices within it , Manors, noble families, churches, monasteries, parishes and villages, especially the cities of Halle, Neumarckt, Glaucha, Wettin, Löbegün, Cönnern and Alsleben; From Actis publicis and credible ... news, collected diligently, reinforced with many unprinted documents, adorned with copperplate engravings and abstracts, and provided with the necessary registers. Emanuel Schneider, Hall 1749/50. Vol. 2, p. 246, urn : nbn: de: gbv: 3: 1-476451
  2. ^ Johann Friedrich Stiebritz : Johann Christoph von Dreyhaupt, Königl. Preussi. Secret government, war and domain councils, advoc. Fisci of the Duchy of Magdeburg, senior citizen of the Schöppenstuhl, mayor and salt graves of Halle etc. PAGUS NELETICI ET NUDZICI or diplomatic-historical description of the Saal-Creyses and all the cities, castles, offices, manors, noble families, churches, monasteries, parishes and villages, etc., brought into an extract, improved, continued until our times, increased with various new treatises, and provided with an index. Publishing house of the orphanage, Halle, 1773, 2nd vol.
  3. ^ Bernhard Weißenborn (edit.): Round chronicle of the city of Halle 1750 - 1835. Gebauer-Schwetschke, Halle 1933; Page 551.