Friedrich Ludwig Andreas rule

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Friedrich Ludwig Andreas Regel (born January 22, 1770 in Gotha ; † December 30, 1826 there ) was a German theologian and schoolboy.

Friedrich Ludwig Andreas Regel, professor and garrison preacher in Gotha, 1770–1826


After attending the Illustre high school in his hometown, Regel studied theology in Jena and Gotha from 1787 to 1790 and became a private tutor with Freiherr von Thümmel in Gotha and Altenburg . In 1799 he was appointed tutor to Livonia in the house of Baron Johann Gottlieb von Wolff on Neu-Laitzen, where he had the opportunity to study the flora there. After staying in St. Petersburg , he returned to Gotha in 1806 to become a garrison preacher. Shortly before the battle of Jena and Auerstedt , he was arrested on suspicion of espionage and released after being interrogated by Napoleon . In 1808 he went to the Illustre grammar school in Gotha as a collaborator and became a professor there in 1813 with the subjects religion, Hebrew, Latin, English and natural history. August von Sachsen-Gotha-Altenburg entrusted him with the religious instruction of his only daughter Luise , who later became Duchess of Sachsen-Coburg-Saalfeld , until her confirmation in 1816.

Regel was the editor of an English chrestomathy .


Rule was married twice, each with daughters of the church council Friedrich Wilhelm Döring . He had eight children, of whom Gustav became a philologist and rector in Emden , Karl August (1817–1889) Germanist in Gotha and Eduard (1815–1892) a biologist in St. Petersburg.


References and comments

  1. ^ Interrogation by Napoleon
  2. Central German Family Studies, Issue 1/1985, page 22
  3. English Chrestomathy, Gotha 1810 at Ettinger (PDF; 308 kB)