Friedrich Peter Hankowiak

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Friedrich Peter Hankowiak (born June 25, 1890 in Nieder-Struse, Krs. Breslau , † October 18, 1954 ) was a Silesian dialect poet and writer .


After completed elementary school he attended from 1904 to 1907, the preparatory school in Schmiedeberg / Giant Mountains then, the teacher training college in Steinau an der Oder to 1910. In the following three years, he taught as a second teacher at various schools, from 1913 to 1934 as a teacher in wreath at Dyhernfurth in the Wohlau district . In 1933 he had already come into conflict with the NSDAP and exposed to hostility and persecution. The parents of his students from Kranz and the neighboring village of Reichwald stood behind him.

FP Hankowiak wrote about his first position as a teacher: "I went to Ohlauer and Brieger Gägend, and then I sat for 21 years uff a small village near Dyhernfurth ..." He joined the ruling party as a member in order to be dismissed in this way to escape from school service. However, the decision did not save him from being transferred to Groß-Ujeschütz in the Trebnitz district . From there he was transferred to Kokschütz in the Rybnik district in Upper Silesia.

He fled Kokschütz with his family from the Red Army , returned there alone for a short time, then fled to the Sudetes without relatives and came from there to Bavaria. It was not until a year and a half later that he received a sign of life from his relatives, who had received accommodation in Berlin. From there they came to him in Bavaria. Occasionally he held school lessons until the respective teacher returned home. As a casual job, he collected herbs for a pharmaceutical company. In November 1952 he moved to Wangen im Allgäu , where Silesian artists were accepted.

He died on October 18, 1954 as a result of a collision with a motorcyclist.


His poems after his escape were memories of Silesia for him, which were published in three small volumes by Pastor Richard Hoppe (formerly Wohlau) after his death:

  • "Annual dance poems in Lower Silesian dialect",
  • "From the diary of a displaced person",
  • "Mei schlä'sches Dörfla - Silesian chats".

Already in Silesian times he had published poems in three small volumes in the Maretzke & Martin publishing house in Trebnitz. Appeared in 1935

  • "As the mother said",
  • 1936 "From Voatersch Sunntichkiste",
  • 1937 "Heemtedörfel".

They were reissued by Pastor Richard Hoppe in 1982/83. In a foreword to his last “Bichl” he wrote that he had lived and worked in various Silesian villages for fifty years and wrote his poems and village stories about them in the various Silesian dialects: “In the 'mountainous' with the A-endings, the envious ones too L-endings (Madl) and the dialect to the right of the Oder with its T-endings (gewoast). "

His daughter, Erika Schmidt b. Hankowiak, wrote about his poetic work: “People liked their poet from Kranz because of his uncomplicated manner and his cheerfulness. He was deeply intertwined with people, nature and his Silesian homeland. ”During his school years in Kranz, his poems appeared in the Dyhernfurther Stadtblatt under the pseudonym“ Ernst Bedächtig ”. In the restless and turbulent times of the thirties, he wanted to entertain the readers “seriously and carefully”, wrote Klemens Höhn, Füssen, about him.


  • Wohlau-Steinauer Heimatblatt No. 1/2003,
  • Letter from daughter Erika Schmidt b. Hankowiak, printed in the Kreis-Wohlau-Buch.
  • Kreis-Wohlau-Buch: Life in the district of Wohlau - and life afterwards, published in 2007 by Werner Krutscher

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Individual evidence

  1. He described the peculiarities of the "envious" dialect compared to the mountain Silesian as follows: Instead of the ending -a, the -e (Kucha - Kuche) appears there. Instead of the ending -la the -el appears (Bäumla - Bäumel). Instead of -nd- we often meet -ng (found - found) there. Instead of -i- there is often the -ai- (I - aich)
  2. About his poetry he wrote in the dialect of his childhood: “Poetry is not always inventing something new, poetry is koan and must be called, learned things with words uffmoaln! And doorzune must have ma 'n guda ground under a feet. "
  3. Erika Schmidt b. Hankowiak, Dyhernfurther circular 78/81.
  4. Klemens Höhn, Dyhernfurther circular no. 79/1982.