Friedrich Reinhardt

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Friedrich Reinhardt (born June 18, 1866 in Tellicherry in India , † June 28, 1949 in Basel , reformed , resident in Basel) was a Swiss printer and publisher .


Friedrich Reinhardt was born on June 18, 1866 in Tellicherry as the son of the missionary and printer Ludwig Reinhardt and Anna, née Götz. Reinhardt first learned the printing trade in Stuttgart , Heidelberg and New York . In 1895, at the age of 29, he took over the management of his father's print shop, Dettloff.

To this end, in 1900 he founded the Friedrich Reinhardt publishing house for Protestant theological literature , in which the family magazine “Die Garbe” , the narrative series “Stab-Bücher” and works by folk writers appeared.

In 1895 he married Bertha Emilie, the daughter of the iron merchant Gottlieb Strahm. Friedrich Reinhardt died on June 28, 1949 ten days after he had turned 83 in Basel. He was the brother of the politician Anna Maria Jungck .


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