Friedrich soul

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Friedrich soul

Friedrich Heinrich Philipp Seele (born May 15, 1819 in Minden ; † July 6, 1859 in Braunschweig ) was a German businessman, entrepreneur and city councilor.

life and work

The son of a master baker was adopted by his uncle, the entrepreneur Johann Friedrich Seele, who lives in Braunschweig. He ran the iron wholesaler Wullbrandt & Seele, which dates back to 1550 . Seele took over the company in February 1850. On April 12, 1853, he founded the mechanical and vehicle construction company Fr. Seele & Comp together with master blacksmith Christian Pommer, workshop controller Wilhelm Hasenbalg and landowner Friedrich Lorenz Schöttler . Initially, the company mainly built railway wagons. While 60 to 70 workers were employed in the first year, the number rose to 164 within three years, and sales rose from 54,000 to 200,000 thalers. After a few years, the company specializes in building machines for the sugar industry . Soul was also one of the co-founders of the Braunschweigische Bank und Kreditanstalt. In 1857, together with the businessman Hermann Buchler and other investors, he founded the Braunschweig sugar refinery in the western ring area . He was a city councilor and city councilor. After his death, the company Fr. Seele & Co. was converted into a stock corporation , the Braunschweigische Maschinenbauanstalt , in 1870 .

Friedrich-Seele-Strasse in Braunschweig was named after his son, the councilor and city councilor Friedrich Franz Seele (1856–1928).


Individual evidence

  1. ↑ City Chronicle: July 6, 1859 at, accessed on September 24, 2013.