Friedrich Severin

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Friedrich Severin (* 18th century; † after March 20, 1802 ) was a printer, publisher and bookseller in Weißenfels .

He is not closely related or to be confused with the publishing bookseller Friedrich Severin , who was born in Lübeck in 1807 and who worked in Dorpat and Moscow in the 19th century .


Friedrich Severin was probably born in Rostock and initially worked in Weißenfels as a fracturer in the book printer of the publisher Caspar Simon Ife († 1784). Together with the widow Ife, he initially continued the company, but married her in 1785 and took over the business in its entirety in 1786. In mid-1797, Christian Heinrich Böse became a partner in the publishing bookstore, which from then on operated under the name Friedrich Severin und Compagnon . At the beginning of 1802 Severin left the business to his partner.

Under Severin's aegis , the grammar school printing plant of the former St. Clear Nuns Monastery in Weißenfels also developed into the most important of Thuringia in the years 1785 to 1800 .

Novalis had written a few lines in verse to Severin around 1789 from their mutual correspondence and collaboration .


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Individual evidence

  1. ^ Friedrich von Schiller : Wallenstein . In: Works , Text 1, Volume 8, Part 1. Vienna / Cologne / Weimar 2010, p. 537
  2. ^ Novalis to the bookseller and publisher Friedrich Severin in Weißenfels