Friedrich Thesmar

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Friedrich Adrian Josef Thesmar (also Friedrich Hadrian Josef Thesmar ?) (Born April 11, 1810 in Sobernheim , † June 1, 1895 ) was a German lawyer and parliamentarian.


Friedrich Thesmar was the son of Adam Josef Thesmar (approx. 1775 - 1855), mayor of Sobernheim. He studied law at the Rheinische Friedrich-Wilhelms-Universität Bonn and the Ruprecht-Karls-Universität Heidelberg . In 1829 he became a member of the Corps Guestphalia Bonn . In 1831 he joined the Corps Helvetia Heidelberg. In 1836 he married Ida Wever. The marriage had eight children.

After studying and obtaining his doctorate, he became a lawyer, initially in Koblenz and from 1844 at the Cologne Court of Appeal .

Thesmar was Vice President of the Democratic Society in Cologne. "Thesmar [demanded] on behalf of the Cologne Committee that Schleswig and Holstein (' Up forever ungedeelt ') become German again." In 1849, "Adrian Joseph Thesmar" was elected as elector for the second chamber. In the Cologne Communist Trial in 1852 he represented Wilhelm Joseph Reiff .

From 1855 until his resignation in November 1856, Thesmar sat as a member of the Minden 1 constituency in the Prussian House of Representatives . His political group affiliation is not known. In his work The situation of the Prussian fatherland at the end of the legislative period in 1855 , he came to the conclusion: “Our people have shown, however, irreconcilably, that they have absolutely no dispositions for direct participation in the exercise of state authority. A people that demands this and wants to be free must begin by making great demands of itself; it must take the labor of the toil of governing because it has to pay off the work of governing with the strict observation of the laws. "

In April 1869 he visited Friedrich Engels in Manchester . In the official gazette for the Cologne district in 1874 he is still listed as active.


  • Appointment as honorary member of Corps Helvetia Heidelberg


  • Friedrich Adrian Josef Thesmar: The public prosecutor, their value in civil and criminal rights. Kehr, Koblenz 1842.
  • Friedrich Hadrian Josef Thesmar: Commentary on the French civil code . [containing]: The five French codes of law in their further development through the newer legislation, as well as through the jurisprudence of the Rhenish courts of law: esp. d. royal Rhenish appeal court in Cologne, ud revision u. Cassation Court in Berlin, with d. Comparison junction from d. five statutes and sources d. roman u. old french. Law in the Civil Code. In addition to an appendix. Volume 1: The Civil Code . Büchler'sche Verlagsbuchhandlung, Elberfeld 1845. MDZ Reader digitized .
  • Explanation . In: Kölnische Zeitung , October 10, 1852.
  • Friedrich Hadrian Josef Thesmar: Christ is not the first and most exalted democrat. A draft from a Catholic but honestly thinking priest friend and teacher of his fellow human beings, who only wants to be named publicly later so that he owes nothing to his name. W. Sulzbach, Bonn am Rhein 1850. [with an article by Thesmar from the Kölnische Zeitung of September 25, 1849 on the "death sentence against Jesus Christ" allegedly handed down in an inscription in Caserta]. urn : nbn: de: hebis: 30: 2-21018
  • Friedrich Hadrian Josef Thesmar: The position of the state and the evangel. Church opposite the Roman Curia in matters of mixed marriages, with special reference to the circular from Bishop Arnoldi of Trier of March 15, 1853. Wiegandt and Sons, Berlin 1853. Digitalized MDZ Reader
  • Friedrich Hadrian Josef Thesmar: The situation of the Prussian fatherland at the end of the legislative period in 1855. Bädekersche Buch- und Kunsthandlung , Elberfeld 1855, urn : nbn: de: bvb: 12-bsb10014702-1
  • Friedrich Hadrian Josef Thesmar: Defense of the evangelical reformed pastor Johann Friedrich Haastert in Kronenberg . DuMont-Schauberg, Cologne 1857.
  • Friedrich Adrian Josef Thesmar: Voice of the transfigured emperor […] . [Memory poem on Nikolaj Pavlovič, Emperor of Russia]. Hassel, Cologne 1857.
  • The obligations of the legislature and the state towards the private insane asylums . In: Kölnische Zeitung . Appendix No. 256, August 29, 1858.
  • The private insane asylums
  • Dr. Thesmar . In: The Gazebo . Issue 17, 1859, pp. 252 ( full text [ Wikisource ] letter to the editor).
  • Friedrich Hadrian Josef Thesmar: Poems. 3 booklets. Lohse, Hanover 1865.


  • Karl Bittel : The Communist Trial in Cologne 1852 in the mirror of the contemporary press. Edited and introduced . Rütten & Loening, Berlin 1955, pp. 48, 66, 149, 206-212, 228, 250, 281-283.
  • Marcel Seyppel: The Democratic Society in Cologne 1848/49. Urban society and the emergence of parties during the bourgeois revolution. Janus, Cologne 1991 (= Cologne writings on history and culture 15) ISBN 3-922977-35-9
  • Bernd Haunfelder : Biographical manual for the Prussian House of Representatives 1849–1867 (= manuals on the history of parliamentarism and political parties. Volume 5). Droste, Düsseldorf 1994, ISBN 3-7700-5181-5 , p. 252.
  • Karl Marx to Friedrich Engels . January 3, 1869. Marx-Engels-Werke, Volume 32, p. 242.
  • Friedrich Engels to Marx April 19, 1869. Marx-Engels-Werke, Volume 32, p. 307

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Adrian Josef Friedrich Thesmar / Ida Wever
  2. ^ Data from Sister Anna Carolina (Caroline) Thesmar
  3. Kösener corps lists 1910, 21 , 97
  4. a b Kösener corps lists 1910, 115 , 59
  5. ^ The workers' association in Cologne and the democratic society in Cologne in the revolution of 1848/49. A contribution to the history of the labor movement
  6. Marcel Seyppel: The Democratic Society in Cologne 1848/49. Urban society and the emergence of parties during the bourgeois revolution , p. 196.
  7. ^ François Melis: Neue Rheinische Zeitung . Organ of democracy. Edition of unknown numbers, leaflets, print versions and separate prints . KG Saur, Munich 2000 ( Dortmund contributions to newspaper research , volume 57) ISBN 3-598-21320-4 , p. 88. Neue Rheinische Zeitung . Extra supplement to number 204 from January 25, 1849.
  8. ^ Karl Bittel: The Communist Trial in Cologne 1852 in the mirror of the contemporary press .
  9. p. 15.
  10. "The great Thesmar from Cologne is here now, Gumpert and Borchardt imagined under the name Themar, but already recognized Thesmar. If you can send me the number of the 'future', in which it was stated that he was prosecuted for embezzlement, then do it, otherwise I have to write to Schneider. "( Marx-Engels-Werke . Volume 32, p. 307.)
  11. "Thesmar, Dr. Fridr. Adrian Jos. "
  12. “To my father Adam Josef Thesmar Königl. Prussia. Mayor of Sobernheim, Knight of the Red Eagle Order dedicated in filial love. "
  13. Review in: Critical Yearbooks for German Law . 1845, p. 168.
  14. ^ "To the first President of the Royal Rhenish Court of Appeal in Cologne, Dr. Peter Schwarz, knight of the red order of eagles, second class with star and oak leaves, appropriated by the author with great respect. "
  15. Facsimile in Karl Bittel, p. 66.
  16. see: General journal for psychiatry and psychological judicial medicine
  17. See also Zeitschrift für Rechtspflege und Verwaltung, initially for the Kingdom of Saxony
  18. Review in: Blätter für literary entertainment . 1862, p. 531.


  1. In the Kösener corps lists 1910, 115 , 59 it is noted that he also belonged to the Corps Guestphalia Heidelberg before he joined the Corps Helvetia Heidelberg. However, it is not listed at Guestphalia Heidelberg.