Friedrich Widmann (Domain Director)

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Friedrich Widmann

Friedrich Alexander Napoleon Widmann (born December 10, 1805 in Buchau , Upper Swabia , † June 8, 1876 in Eglofs , Württemberg ) was a German lawyer and domain director.


Since November 10, 1825 Widmann studied law at the Eberhard Karls University in Tübingen . He became a member of Corps Allemannia I , which was dissolved that same month. He founded the Corps Rhenania Tübingen , which elected him first senior . With a height of 2.10 m he proved to be an excellent fencer . When he left the university after graduating, he was adopted with a glamorous Comitat and taken to Rottenburg am Neckar .

In 1829 he was back in Tübingen as a trainee lawyer, then an actuary and notary at the Fürstlich Thurn and Taxic district courts in Scheer and Obermarchtal . At the end of 1836 he entered the Zeil-Trauchburg service as a rent master and became the Princely Zeilsch District Administrator of the Ober-Zeil Office (later part of the Leutkirch Upper Office ) and Domain Director at Zeil Castle . At the end of the 1850s, he moved to Eglofs as Domain Director of Prince Alfred I zu Windisch-Graetz . In addition, he remained connected to Prince Constantin von Waldburg-Zeil as a legal advisor . Prince Waldburg-Zeil was a member of the Corps Rhenania Freiburg . Rhenania Tübingen awarded Widmann the ribbon of honor in 1848.

He was married in his first marriage (1837) to Anna Josefa geb. v. Boscher, the sister of his corps brother Anton v. Boscher, in second marriage (1862) with Creszentia geb. Bentele. Both marriages resulted in five daughters and two sons, one of whom died in 1865 as a priest, the other in 1875 as successor in his father's office. His cousin Karl Widmann († 1875) was a Tübser Rhenane and a Heidelberg Swabian .

Individual evidence

  1. Kösener corps lists 1910, 191/18; here incorrectly as "Widmann, Karl"
  2. Kösener Corpslisten 1930, 129/1
  3. State Handbook for Württemberg 1847, p. 454, online
  4. ^ Rainer Assmann : Widmann . Once and Now, Yearbook of the Association for Corporate Student History Research, Vol. 25 (1980)
  5. Kösener Corpslisten 1930, 129/13; 72/232.