Friedrich Wilhelm Markull

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Friedrich Wilhelm Markull (born February 17, 1816 in Reichenbach near Elbing , † April 30, 1887 in Danzig ) was a German organist , pianist and composer .


Markull received his first music lessons from his father and the organist Karl Kloss. He later studied with Friedrich Schneider in Dessau . In 1836 he became the organist of the Marienkirche in Gdansk. Here he worked, among other things, as head of the choral society and as a critic. Markull was awarded the title of Royal Music Director in 1851.

Works (selection)


  • John the Baptist (1845 Danzig)
  • The memory of those who have fallen asleep op.34 (1847 Danzig, 1856 Kassel under Louis Spohr )


  • Maja and Alpino or The Enchanted Rose (1843 Danzig)
  • The King of Zion (1850 Danzig)
  • The Walpurgis Festival (1855 Danzig)


  • Symphony in D major (1845 Leipzig, Gewandhaus)
  • Symphony in C minor (1856)

Works for organ

  • Album pour l'orgue, melodium or physharmonica. Douze Morceaux caractéristiques op. 82
  • Organ player album. 24 chorale preludes and figured chorales op.123
  • Choral book for the new Danzig hymn book , 2 volumes, Danzig 1845


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