Friedrich von Rumohr

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Coat of arms of those of Rumohr

Friedrich von Rumohr (born June 24, 1723 , † October 24, 1765 in Lübeck ) was a German canon .


Friedrich von Rumohr came from the Holstein primal nobility ( Equites Originarii ) von Rumohr . He was the third son of Christian August von Rumohr auf Rundtoft (1690–1743) and his wife Agnete Caecilie, nee. von Wickede (1700–1723). As the only child of the cathedral dean Johann von Wickede (1664–1732) , she brought the Wickedesche Gut Groß Steinrade, one of the Lübschen estates , into the Rumohr family. Carl Friedrich von Rumohr was his nephew.

In contrast to his two older brothers Christian August (1721–1775) on Rundtoft and Henning (1722–1804) on Ohrfeld , he received no property as a paternal inheritance. Instead, at the age of 9, on September 17, 1732, he received the right to a prebend in the Lübeck cathedral chapter . On the prebend, which had previously been held by Franz Joachim von Ranzau , there was an expektance from the then Prince-Bishop Adolf Friedrich in favor of a nephew of the cathedral dean Johann von Wickede.

On October 27, 1740, he enrolled at the University of Jena to study law . In the Halle Serreschen student album kept by Paul Serres from 1747 to 1751 there is an entry by Friedrich von Rumohr.

After his death, the eight-year-old Theodosius von Moltzahn received the prebend; however, he died the following year. Then the prebend went to Renatus Karl von Senckenberg .


  • Jensen: Contributions to the history of nobility. The Rumohr family. In: North Albingian Studies. 4 (1847), pp. 289-332, especially p. 327
  • Wolfgang Prange : Directory of the canons. In: Ders .: Bishop and Cathedral Chapter of Lübeck: Hochstift, Principality and Region 1160–1937. Lübeck: Schmidt-Römhild 2014 ISBN 978-3-7950-5215-7 , p. 409 No. 353

Individual evidence

  1. ^ The register of the University of Jena. Volume 3: 1723–1764, p. 369 ( digitized version )
  2. ^ Entry in the repertory Alborum Amicorum