Fritz Drevermann

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Fritz Ernst Drevermann (born February 15, 1875 in Auhammer near Battenberg (Eder) ; † March 16, 1932 in Frankfurt am Main ) was a German paleontologist (vertebrates) and managing director of the " Senckenberg Nature Museum ".


Drevermann's father had a hammer mill in Auhammer. From 1895 he studied geology in Munich, Berlin (with Josef Felix Pompeckj ), Bonn and at the Philipps University of Marburg , where he received his doctorate in 1900 as an academic student of Emanuel Kayser ( The Fauna of the Upper Devonian Tuff Brecchie from Langenaubach near Haiger ). During his studies in 1895 he became a member of the Arminia Munich fraternity . He was then an assistant in Marburg and completed his habilitation in 1903. At that time, he was intensively involved with the Devonian fauna of the Rhenish Slate Mountains . In 1905 he became a research assistant and in 1910 curator in the geological and paleontological department of the Senckenberg Museum. From 1914 he was associate professor and (after military service in the First World War 1915 to 1918) from 1919 full professor of geology and paleontology at the newly founded university in Frankfurt am Main (head of the Geological-Paleontological Institute) and head of the geological-paleontological department and since 1924 managing director of the Senckenberg Nature Museum . The nominal director was the zoologist Otto zur Strassen , so that there was some competition between the two. Drevermann brought the museum through the times of currency inflation in the 1920s , founded their magazine Natur und Museum in 1925 and initiated the expansion of the museum into a crowd-puller (the realization failed at that time because of the difficult financial situation), for which he went to a USA Reise 1929/30 brought suggestions. He published his ideas for an ideal natural history museum in a book in 1927. In 1927/28 he was rector of the University of Frankfurt.

Ever since the Senckenberg Museum received from the New York Natural History Museum in 1905 a Diplodocus from the Upper Jurassic of Wyoming (composed of various specimens) , which Drevermann described in 1911, he turned to vertebrate paleontology. While he was still working as a war geologist in World War I, Drevermann began working scientifically on the Placodus skeleton found in 1915 in the Muschelkalk of Steinsfurt near Heidelberg and bought by the patron Arthur von Gwinner for the Senckenberg Museum , where he made casts of the exposed bones forwarded into the field and processed them in his shelter on the Côte Lorraine. In 1920 the museum received dinosaur finds (including from Brachiosaurus ) from the famous Tendaguru expedition of the Berlin Museum of Natural History.

Tilly Edinger is one of his doctoral students . A close employee at the Senckenberg Museum was his successor as director, Rudolf Richter .

He was president of the Paleontological Society from 1928 to 1930 .


  • In 1910 he was co-founder and the first secretary of the Geological Association , editor of the Geological Review.
  • In 1912, the year it was founded, he became a member of the Paleontological Society.


  • Over a skull of Trematosaurus brauni BURMEISTER. Senckenbergiana, II for 1919, pp. 83–110, Frankfurt a. M. 1920
  • The Placodontier. 1. Skull and mandible of Cyamodus . In: Treatises of the Senckenbergische Naturforschenden Gesellschaft, Vol. 38, Issue 4, Frankfurt am Main 1924, Taf. XXIII, pp. 291-309
  • Knowledge of nature. From the subject of the natural sciences. Müller & Kiepenheuer, Potsdam 1927, Orell & Füssli, Zurich 1927
  • Seas of primeval times. Springer 1932
  • The Placodontier. 3. The skeleton of Placodus gigas AGASSIZ in the Senckenberg Museum . In: Abhandlungen der Senckenbergische Naturforschenden Gesellschaft, Vol. 38, Issue 4, Frankfurt am Main 1933, 16 plates, pp. 323–364


  • List of publications in Senckenbergiana , Volume 14, 1932, pp. 193–197
  • Rudolf Richter: Obituary in: Natur und Museum , Volume 62, 1932, pp. 141–149
  • Rudolf Richter: The Placodus work in DREVERMANN's life . In: Fritz Drevermann: The Placodontier. 3. The skeleton of Placodus gigas AGASSIZ in the Senckenberg Museum . Treatises of the Senckenbergische Naturforschenden Gesellschaft, vol. 38, issue 4, Frankfurt am Main 1933, p. 324
  • Sabine Ruh: Dr. Fritz Ernst Drevermann. Professor of geology and successful museum scientist , dissertation, University of Frankfurt 2002. (digitized version)
  • Herta Schmidt:  Drevermann, Friedrich Ernst. In: New German Biography (NDB). Volume 4, Duncker & Humblot, Berlin 1959, ISBN 3-428-00185-0 , p. 115 f. ( Digitized version ).

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Directory of the old men of the German fraternity. Überlingen am Bodensee 1920, p. 279.
  2. Rector's speech
  3. ^ Palaeontological Journal 1, Issue 1, March 1914