Fritz Gerstenberger

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Fritz Gerstenberger (born November 25, 1898 in Neudorf ; † May 14, 1970 ibid) was an Ore Mountain dialect poet .


The son of a forest and sawmill worker attended the eight-grade elementary school in his native Neudorf and became a factory worker. After the Second World War he worked as a miner at SDAG Wismut . Already during this time he wrote some poems and songs in the dialect of the Upper Ore Mountains, which he performed himself at various cultural events. In Rudolf Kunath he found a partner who set several of his lyrics to music. One of his most famous songs is “De neie Bimmelbah”, which was also distributed on a song postcard .

Siegfried Sieber described him as "one of the best folk singers and dialect tellers of the Western Ore Mountains".


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Individual evidence

  1. Elvira Werner : Dialect in the Erzgebirge . in: Volume 17 of the Weiss-Grün series. Druck- und Verlagsgesellschaft Marienberg, Marienberg, 1999, p. 67.
  2. From Annaberg to Oberwiesenthal (= values ​​of the German homeland . Volume 13). 1st edition. Akademie Verlag, Berlin 1968, p. 155.