Fritz K. Beller

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Fritz Karl Beller (born May 17, 1924 in Munich ; † March 12, 2008 in Fort Myers ) was a German gynecologist .

Beller studied medicine in Berlin , Prague and Marburg . In 1949 he was in Marburg with the work "an attempt at comparative pathology of the surgical bone infection in humans and animals by the literature" PhD ; In 1955 he completed his habilitation with the thesis "The coagulation conditions in pregnant women and newborns" in Giessen . After fellowships at the Max Planck Institute for Biophysics, Frankfurt, and Hammersmith Hospital, London , he was Visiting Professor at New York University , Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, and then Full Professor in 1960 . In 1973 he was offered a position at the University Women's Clinic in Münster . After retiring in 1988, he worked at the William Keettel Chair at the University of Iowa . He completed bioethics training at the Kennedy Institute for Bioethics, Washington DC

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Beller published numerous scientific articles and specialist books on gynecology.

  • Fritz K. Beller, Helmut Kyank (ed.): Diseases during pregnancy. Thieme-Verlag, Leipzig / Stuttgart, 1990, ISBN 3-13-649005-3 .
  • Fritz K. Beller: The chronic pain in the small pelvis. pro Service und Verlag, Hofstetten, 1996, ISBN 3-9804852-1-8 .


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