Fritz Roubicek

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Fritz Roubicek

Fritz Roubicek (born November 3, 1913 in Vienna ; † May 25, 1990 ibid) was an Austrian engineer and student historian .


Roubicek spent his youth in Ottakring and attended the technical college for textile trade. He then studied at the University of World Trade . He was active in the Zionist technician association Jordania and in 1936 also became a member of the Jewish academic association Unitas . After the annexation of Austria , he fled with his wife via Switzerland to France, where he joined the Resistance . He was arrested by the French police and extradited to the German authorities. As a political prisoner, he spent three and a half years in Auschwitz . At the end of the war he had to take part in the death march to the Buchenwald concentration camp . Liberated there and returned to Vienna, he learned of the murder of his entire family in the Minsk ghetto .

In 1947 he married his second wife Liliane († February 7, 2019 in Hochegg / Grimmenstein ). He got a job with the Austrian Mineral Oil Administration . It was difficult for him to return to the old environment. After retiring , he found his actual home again in the milieu that had shaped him in his youth, with the student associations and the corporate student historians . In 1984 he became an honorary member of the Joint Vienna academic Corps Marchia, after its adjournment Free Corps Austro-Germania. "Brünndl" later founded the Fraternitas Vindobonensis.


  • Vanished Viennese color goods shops. A childhood memory . Acta Studentica, 31, pp. 1-3 (1979).
  • The customs were so strict there! Memories of an old Jewish national couleur student . Vienna 1983; 2nd edition, Würzburg 1986; 3rd edition, Hilden 2000.
  • From Basel to Chernivtsi. The Jewish Academic Student Associations in Europe . Vienna 1986 (contributions to Austrian student history 12). GoogleBooks
  • As if it was yesterday! No autobiography - no nostalgia book , in: Peter Platzer, Raimund Neuss: Vienna - Auschwitz - Vienna. Fritz Roubicek in memory . Vierow 1997, pp. 13-92.


  • Vienna Academic Corps Marchia: Silentium pro Fritz Roubicek . Vienna 1990. GoogleBooks
  • Peter Platzer , Raimund Neuss: Vienna - Auschwitz - Vienna. Fritz Roubicek in memory . Vierow 1997, ISBN 3-89498-050-8 . GoogleBooks
  • Harald Seewann : Fiducit Brünndl! Personal memories of a Jewish national weapons student , in: Peter Platzer, Raimund Neuss: Vienna - Auschwitz - Vienna. Fritz Roubicek in memory . Vierow 1997, pp. 103-105.
  • Roubicek Fritz, in: Friedhelm Golücke : Author's lexicon on student and university history. A bio-bibliographical directory . (= Treatises on student and higher education, vol. 13), SH-Verlag, Cologne 2004, ISBN 3-89498-130-X , pp. 281–282.

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. ^ A b Friedhelm Golücke: Author's lexicon on student and university history . Cologne 2004.
  2. Schlurfs, Schimmler, self-mutilators: Resistant sand sliding - Soho in Ottakring (Kerstin Kellermann)
  3. Austro-Germania consists mainly of Catholic couleur students in Austria and Germany. The corps does not have a fixed location, but declares that the connection point is wherever an Austro-German lives.