Fritz Toepffer

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Friedrich Toepffer

Fritz Toepffer (born January 8, 1878 in Stettin , † July 21, 1969 in Garmisch-Partenkirchen ) was a German judge.


Fritz Toepffer came from the Toepffer family from Szczecin ( Albert Eduard Toepffer ). He studied law at the Silesian Friedrich Wilhelms University and was active in the Corps Marcomannia Breslau in the winter semester of 1896 . In 1897 he also became a member of the Corps Vandalia Berlin . In 1903 he headed the oKC of the Kösener Seniors Convents Association . After the second exam (“sufficient”) he was an assessor in the family business based in Toepffers Park near Stettin . He took part in the First World War as a reserve officer and was last Rittmeister . He received the Iron Cross, 2nd and 1st class. At the time of the Weimar Republic he became district court director at the district court of Stettin. In December 1925 he was appointed a member of the Reich Disciplinary Chamber in Leipzig .

During the time of National Socialism , his two corps reported him in the "Aryan survey" of the KSCV / VAC in 1933/34 as "non-Aryan tainted". He was replaced in the Reich Disciplinary Chamber in 1937 because of his "non-Aryan marriage". In 1945 he was elected as a judge in accordance with Article 132 of the constitution of the state of Mecklenburg by the state parliament in the Schwerin Higher Regional Court. There he was chairman of two senates and a member of the examination committee for trainee lawyers and assessors . Toepffer was a member of the Communist Party of Germany and the association of those persecuted by the Nazi regime . With the repeal of the higher regional courts in the German Democratic Republic , Toepffer was retired in 1952 for 74 years. On June 22, 1961, he and his wife moved to Garmisch-Partenkirchen.

See also

Individual evidence

  1. Szczecin News. Göttingen 1969, No. 10, p. 6.
  2. Kösener Corpslisten 1996, 82/134.
  3. a b Kösener corps lists 1910, 17/245
  4. ^ AH list Marcomannia from November 21, 1925
  5. Minutes of the full sessions of the Reichsrat. 1928, p. 264
  6. Jürgen Herrlein : On the "Aryan question" in student associations . Baden-Baden 2015, ISBN 978-3-8487-2666-0 , pp. 364, 367
  7. Files and negotiations of the state parliament of Mecklenburg, 1946-1952. State Parliament Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania, Keip, 1993, p. 935
  8. Federal Archives , holdings: DY 55 Association of those persecuted by the Nazi regime, list of names DY 55 / V 287/959
  9. ^ Address list of the Corps Marcomannia from 1962