
from Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Structural formula
Surname Fructosamine
other names
  • Isoglucosamine
  • AC1L2GCV
  • (2 R , 3 S , 4 R , 5 R ) -2- (aminomethyl) oxane-2,3,4,5-tetrol
  • AC1Q59GN
Molecular formula C 6 H 13 NO 5
External identifiers / databases
CAS number
  • 27968-74-7
  • 4429-04-3 ( D- fructosamine)
  • 39002-30-7 (hydrochloride)
  • 6333-49-9 (acetate)
PubChem 20484
ChemSpider 19291
Wikidata Q289357
Molar mass 179.17 g mol −1
Physical state


safety instructions
GHS hazard labeling
no classification available
As far as possible and customary, SI units are used. Unless otherwise noted, the data given apply to standard conditions .

Fructosamine (synonym: fructosamine , fructosamine ) is an amino sugar of fructose .

Clinical significance

D - fructosamine occurs, among other things, as a non-enzymatic modification of blood proteins ( glycation ). In humans and dogs above all albumins are glycated, in cats it is more globulins . The fructosamine content in the blood is subject to much smaller fluctuations than the blood sugar level and, due to the half-life of the proteins, represents the mean blood sugar value over the past one to three weeks. The fructosamine content is therefore also referred to as "blood sugar memory". The fructosamine content issometimes of importancein diagnostics and for setting insulin for diabetics , especially if the HbA1c value (this is a measure of the blood sugarcontentover a longer period of time, about three months) isnot very informative,for example in the case of hemolytic anemia .

Veterinary medicine

The fructosamine value is of particular importance in diabetic cats , as in these cats the blood sugar value is subject to enormous fluctuations caused by stress. However, the fructosamine level in the onset of diabetes does not differ from that in healthy cats. If the albumin balance is disturbed ( albumin deficiency or excess in the blood) or if there is a loss of protein in the urine ( proteinuria ), the fructosamine value is not meaningful. Short-term and temporary disturbances in the blood sugar concentration cannot be recognized by means of the fructosamine value.

Reference range

  • Adults: <285 µmol / l
  • Dialysis patients: <395 µmol / l
  • Domestic cat: <200 µmol / l
  • Domestic dog: <225 µmol / l


  • Patent EP0250991 : Method for the specific determination of serum fructosamine content and suitable reagent mixture.

Individual evidence

  1. This substance has either not yet been classified with regard to its hazardousness or a reliable and citable source has not yet been found.
  2. Peter M. Collins: Dictionary of Carbohydrates: . CRC Press, 2005, ISBN 978-0-8493-7765-5 , pp. 41 ( limited preview in Google Book search).
  3. Diabetes mellitus in veterinary practice with reference tables (PDF; 874 kB).
  4. M. Hoenig, AM Traas, DJ Schaeffer: Evaluation of routine hematology profile results and fructosamine, thyroxine, insulin, and proinsulin concentrations in lean, overweight, obese, and diabetic cats. In: Journal of the American Veterinary Medical Association. Volume 243, number 9, November 2013, ISSN  1943-569X , pp. 1302-1309, doi : 10.2460 / javma.243.9.1302 , PMID 24134581 .
  5. ^ Vademecum 2004 Institute for Clinical Chemistry, University Hospital Zurich.
  6. a b Anna Schaffartzik and Flurin Tschuor: Diabetes mellitus in dogs and cats. In: Kleintierpraxis 60 (2015), pp. 169–184.