Fuat Bultan

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Fuat Bultan (* 1933 in Zonguldak , Turkey , † 24. January 2013 in Munich , Germany ) is a Turkish-German speaker and author of the weekly was Radio Europe broadcast radio column Soru & Cevaplar (German Question and answers ). The social advisor was previously the long-term federal coordinator of the social service of workers' welfare for Turks in Germany .


Fuat Bultan was born in Zonguldak, Turkey in 1933. After completing a technical high school, he undertook advanced training and then worked as an operator. He did not come to Germany in 1959 as a migrant worker, but out of an interest in other countries and cultures. When the first large wave of Turkish labor migrants came to the Federal Republic of Germany in the early 1960s, the workers' welfare organization took on the advice and support of these people on behalf of the federal government. In 1964 Fuat Bultan was employed nationwide by the workers' welfare organization as one of the first social advisors in Bochum . From 1972, at the request of the Workers' Welfare Association , he took on the role of federal coordinator of the " Türk Danış " social service for Turks, which he carried out until his retirement in 1994. Among other things, he is responsible for a central translation office to relieve the social services of time-consuming translations and to guarantee more qualified translations. In addition to various specialist articles in various publications and several hundred lectures nationwide, he published a brochure on the subject of “Returning or staying: Germany and its old migrants”. As a DGB scholarship holder, he complemented his diverse social commitment and his trade union activities by studying at the Social Academy in Dortmund. For 22 years he was the works council chairman as well as the founder and chairman of the general works council at the Federal Association of Workers' Welfare. In addition, he was a member of the ÖTV (Ver.di) tariff and negotiation committee for the tariff area of ​​workers' welfare for 20 years . From 1999 to 2002 he worked as a voluntary coordinator on behalf of the charities in the planning and implementation of aid projects in the entire earthquake region in Turkey.

Between 1972 and 2013, Fuat Bultan was the speaker and author of the weekly Soru & Cevaplar (Questions & Answers) column on Funkhaus Europa (WDR) in the Cologne Radyosu program . As a social expert, he answered an estimated 16,000 audience letters and around 8,000 telephone questions from Turkish migrants.

In 1993 he received the Federal Cross of Merit on Ribbon as the highest award for his outstanding commitment and his diverse activities in the social, cultural and societal fields . The Society for Turkish-Speaking Psychotherapy and Psychosocial Counseling (GTP) awarded him the 2011 honorary award. The district working group for cultural miners' care awarded him a certificate of honor in 1965. The WDR also awarded him an honorary certificate as thanks and recognition for his work.


  • Fuat Bultan: "... now you fear the consequences yourself." Interview. In: Mathilde Jamin (Ed.): Fremde Heimat . Essen 1998, pages 307-321.

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