Gábor Turányi

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Gábor Turányi (born April 22, 1948 in Kadarkút ; † March 26, 2020 in Budapest ) was a Hungarian architect .

Gábor Turányi studied at the Miklós Ybl Faculty of Architecture and Civil Engineering at the Szent István University and at the Technical University of Budapest . He worked as an architect and lecturer, most recently as a professor at the Moholy Nagy University for handicrafts and design . In recent years he has worked on the planning for the porcelain museum in Herend , the Zsámbék waffle factory , the Roosevelt 7/8 office complex in Budapest and the Vass László collection in Veszprém , the most important art collection of Hungarian works by constructivist artists.

He has received several awards, including the Miklós Ybl Prize (1984; Ybl Miklós-díj), the Budapest Prize for Architecture (2008; Budapest Építészeti Nívódíja) and the Pro Architectura Prize (1997; Pro Architectura díj). He has been a full member of the Hungarian Academy of Arts (MMA) since 2010.

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Individual evidence

  1. "Meghalt Turányi Gábor" , ORIGO, March 27, 2020, accessed on March 29, 2020 (Hungarian)