Géza Komor

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Géza Komor (born May 5, 1900 , † 1951 ) was a Hungarian violinist and head of a dance and entertainment band in Germany.


As a nine-year-old Komor traveled to the Austro-Hungarian cities as a “ child prodigy ” with his violin . After his musical studies at the Conservatory of Budapest he got because his great technical skill and a fine empathy were attested, a job at the Budapest Opera House. From 1927 he was employed at the Hotel Kaiserhof in Berlin . There he directed a small orchestra in which he played the violin.

Between 1928 and 1932 he was under contract with the record company Tri-Ergon and played live for the guests of this house to dance with his "artist orchestra from the Hotel Der Kaiserhof , Berlin" ; Equally virtuoso, however, he also interpreted concert and salon pieces, operettas and entertainment spot pourris.

On Tri-Ergon it also traded as “Harry Jackson's Dance Orchestra” when jazzy modern dance music was required. In the tango line-up, he played as the "Tango-Kapelle Komor" and as the "Tango-Kapelle Morello". However, this term had nothing to do with the banjo player Tony Morello, who was also employed by Tri-Ergon, and was used without his consent. But it is correct that Tony Morello (* 1902) made recordings with a group of musicians from the circle of Bernard Etté , who brought him to Berlin from New York in 1927, under the name "Jazz-Kings" at Tri-Ergon in October 1927 made (e.g. Tri-Ergon TE5045 - 5047 from October 23, 1927).

As his appearance in the pocket album Künstler am Rundfunk from 1931 shows, Géza Komor's concerts were also broadcast on the Berlin radio. "For years" - it says there - "Berlin listeners have appreciated his dance music".

In the summer of 1933 he was replaced by the orchestra of Emanuel Rambour in the Hotel Kaiserhof .

In the summer of 1934 Géza Komor played with his orchestra in Warnemünde. On September 1, 1934, he took up an engagement in Hamburg's “Boccaccio”, where he stayed until the end of April 1935, when he was replaced there by the Will Glahé orchestra . In autumn 1935 Géza Komor made a guest appearance at the Hamburg “Trocadero”, Große Bleichen 32. The “Trocadero” was a noble establishment that also frequented the wealthy Hamburg swing youth . From there, the Reichssender Hamburg broadcast a radio broadcast on Saturday, October 19, 1935 from midnight to 2 a.m.

As a Jewish artist, Komor felt the application of the Nuremberg Laws after 1935 and therefore returned to his Hungarian homeland. There he was initially able to continue working as a musician.

On a Patria record from 1935 (Patria Ultravox 175 (MR 70)): Indian szerelmi dal (Indian Love Call) (Friml - Polgár) he is named as an interpreter (Szedö Miklos, Komor Géza Pátria Tanc-Zenekara). His orchestra, which now bears the name of the record company Patria , which suggests a permanent commitment there, accompanies the popular Hungarian singer of the interwar period Miklos (Nikolaus) Szedö.

Since the anti-Semitic tendencies also increased in Hungary after 1935, he could no longer feel safe in his home country either. In 1936 he fled to Scandinavia, first to Norway, then to Sweden. He was still making music there, but no longer recorded any records.

Komor died in Sweden in 1950/51 after an unsuccessful cancer operation.

Audio documents

The music catalog of the German National Library lists 402 recordings of Komor.

Audio samples

  • Attention Attention We send dance music! Schlagerpotpourri (Nico Dostal) Part I and II.
Géza Komor dance orchestra with refraing singing. Recorded in June 1929 in Berlin, Willy Munny sings the refrains. i. Wilhelm Gombert ]. Tri-Ergon TE5653 (mx 02914/15).
  • You can kiss me for a bouquet of lilacs , Fox Trot (Will Meisel, text by Willy Rosen and Kurt Schwabach ) Géza Komor dance orchestra with refraing singing. Tri-Ergon TE5551 (mx. 02499)
  • Avant de mourir / My Prayer ( Georges Boulanger - Karl Satow) artist orchestra Géza Komor from the hotel “Der Kaiserhof”, Berlin, Tri-Ergon TE5441 (mx. 02057). Berlin 1929
  • Servant Ruprecht is coming! Christmas Fantasy ( Léon Jessel ) artist orchestra Géza Komor from the hotel “Der Kaiserhof”, Berlin, Tri-Ergon TE 5980 (Mx 03658 and 03659). Late 1930.
  • My mom was from Yokohama , Fox Trot ( Abrahám Pál , text by Grünwald and Beda) from Viktoria and her hussar : Harry Jackson's dance orchestra with singing. Tri-Ergon TE 4947 (mx. 03643)
  • What's happening? (Where Can She Be?) Fox Trot (Harry Weans, text by Alexander Flessburg ) Harry Jackson's dance orchestra with Refraingesang Kurt Mühlhardt . Tri-Ergon TE 5782 (mx. 03211)
  • You are my star (Kié vagy / Madam Yvonne), song u. Tango ( Eisemann Mihály , German text by Beda , Hungarian text by Szilágy László) Tango Chapel Morello, with Kurt Mühlhardt's refraing singing. Tri-Ergon TE 5804 (mx. 03295)
  • I know a shy young man. Song and Tango from the sound film Zwei Welten (O. Stransky & M. Freudenberg) Tri-Ergon TE5955 (mx. 03296) Tango-Kapelle Morello
  • Little Mi Tsou . Japanese [sic] tango. (Willy Rosen & Marcel Lion) Tri-Ergon TE5955 (mx. 03696) Tango band Morello

Evidence of images

  • Illustration of Géza Komor with a dedication in the pocket album Artist on Radio Photo
  • Photo of the Géza Komor chapel in the “Kaiserhof” hotel in Berlin - published in Tempo on January 25, 1930, Atelier Zander & Labisch (= Ullstein image ID 00082224).
  • Brillant Spezial No. 44 with a Komor recording Potpourri from the operetta »The Merry Widow« (Lehár) Label
  • Tri-Ergon with the name Tango-Kapelle Morello label
  • Tri-Ergon labeled Harry Jackson's Dance Orchestra label


  • Uwe Bahnsen : Swing youth - they just wanted to dance. In: Die Welt v. 17th June 2012.
  • Uwe Henkhaus: Heil Hot'ler - Swing Youth in National Socialism. In: Music in Hessen , April 7, 2014.
  • Bernd Hoffmann: Jazz on the radio in the early years , p. 58 Note 6. In: Popularmusik (uni-giessen.de) (PDF; 692 kB)
  • Radio artist , pocket album from 1931, Rothgiesser & Diesing publishing house, Berlin 1931.
  • Horst H. Lange : Jazz in Germany. The German Jazz Chronicle 1900-1960 . Berlin, Colloquium-Verlag, 1966 a. ö.
  • Rainer E. Lotz : Tony Morello . Published 1981 by Jazzfreund in Menden. Written in English (= Jazzfreund-Publication No. 14), 74 pp.
  • Stengel-Gerigk = Theo Stengel; Herbert Gerigk (edit.): Lexicon of Jews in Music. With a list of titles of Jewish works. Compiled on behalf of the Reich leadership of the NSDAP on the basis of official, party-officially checked documents. Bernhard Hahnefeld, Berlin 1940. 9 pp., Sp. 11-380, OLn.
  • Eva Weissweiler : Eliminated !: the “Lexicon of Jews in Music” and its murderous consequences. Among employees by Lilli Weissweiler. Dittrich, Cologne 1999. 444 p .; 21 cm. - Contains pp. 181–375 reprint of: Lexikon der Juden in der Musik , Berlin 1940, ISBN 3-920862-25-2 .

Individual evidence

  1. cf. Article about him at grammophon-platten.de
  2. cf. grammophon-platten.de
  3. cf. Recordings like TE 1191 Fortissimo! Big Kálmán Fantasy , TE 1189 Mosaic , Potpourri by Carl Zimmer , TE 5344 Potpourri from The Beggar Student , TE 5467 Potpourri from The Geisha , TE 5211 Suite orientale by Popý, TE 5103 Glowworm Idyll by Paul Lincke , and others. a.
  4. dismuke.org : “Harry Jackson's Dance Orchestra” is a recording pseudonym for the Géza Komor dance orchestra. (English)
  5. jazzkutatas.eu article about the “Harry Jackson's Dance Orchestra”
  6. cf. Lotz, jazz lover publication Tony Morello
  7. cf. Long s. 26 f. and 41, as well as Hoffmann, Jazz on the radio
  8. on p. 241, there also photo
  9. cf. grammophon-platten.de  : “From 1927 to 1933 the Géza Komor orchestra was the hotel's house band. In 1933 Emanuel Rambour became the successor ”. There are also other pictures of the hotel.
  10. cf. Entry by 'Urgestein' on Di Nov 26 2013, 14:13 at Grammophon-platten.de ; a photo of the building at alexanderkutsche.de
  11. a photo of the restaurant at passagenviertel.com ( memento of the original from September 3, 2014 in the Internet Archive ) Info: The archive link was inserted automatically and has not yet been checked. Please check the original and archive link according to the instructions and then remove this notice. @1@ 2Template: Webachiv / IABot / www.passagenviertel.com
  12. cf. Entry by 'Urgestein' on Tue Jul 08 2014, 17:00 Grammophon-platten.de,
  13. It appears in Stengel-Gerigk 1941 sp.152 (gives May 5, 1900 as the date of birth) and is written by Sarah Barth: Notes on Jazz in the “Third Reich”. In: Jazzbrief from Darmstadt ( Memento from May 4, 2014 in the Internet Archive ) , mentioned in August 2008
  14. phonomuseum.at (PDF; 1.74 MB) Rainer Künzler: Hungarian dance and light music from the 20s to 40s.
  15. cf. Zsolt Vitári , Hungary in the interwar period (1918–1939): “In the 1930s, the right-wing extremist forces gained more and more ground ... The Arrow Cross movement emerged as the leading force ... from Ferenc Szálasi, Received mandates. "
  16. friendly Letter from Komor Tamás
  17. DNB
  18. YouTube
  19. The potpourri contains hits like I can't give you any thing but love , Once you say goodbye , Miss Pardon , In a small pastry shop , every woman likes to cry tears , The scent that accompanies a beautiful woman , Dear Lord, send me a little girl , when you give away your heart and Sonny Boy .
  20. YouTube
  21. YouTube
  22. YouTube
  23. YouTube
  24. YouTube
  25. YouTube