Günter Schenk (journalist)

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Günter Schenk (* 1948 in Mainz ) is a German journalist , author and publicist . In the press, radio and television, the author does regularly with the manifestations of Carnival and Carnival in Europe.


Schenk has published several books in which he collected facts, legends and anecdotes on the history of the Mainz Carnival and the history of the Mainz TV Carnival , how it sings and laughs .

Günter Schenk has portrayed Europe's most beautiful festivals in numerous reports in various national newspapers ( Der Tagesspiegel , Kurier , Süddeutsche Zeitung , Neue Zürcher Zeitung , Frankfurter Rundschau ).

In 2006 his book “Christian Folk Festivals in Europe” was published, an extensive documentation of Christian customs in the form of public festivals - from the bull run in Pamplona, ​​Spain, to the Italian-German Bensheim Passion Play, to the New Year's Eve in Appenzellerland .

Schenk dedicated the books Fastnacht between custom and party to the change in meaning and the crisis of meaning in Karnelval . Carnival total (2007) and carnival between tradition and commerce. Cultural heritage as an opportunity? (2015). In the Mainz Carnival , he also took a close look at the close links between football and Carnival in Mainz.

honors and awards

In 2011 the Bund Deutscher Karneval awarded him the German Carnival Culture Prize for his publications .


  • The Mainz Fassnacht (2016)
  • Carnival between tradition and commerce: cultural heritage as an opportunity? (2015)
  • Mainz Carnival ABC (Ingelheim 2011)
  • Carnival between custom and party. Carnival total (2007)
  • Christian folk festivals in Europe (2006)
  • Experience Europe's most beautiful festivals (Bielefeld 2005)
  • Mainz, how it sings and laughs (Ingelheim 2004)
  • Mainz Helau - Handbook for the Mainz Fassenacht (Ingelheim 2004)

Web links