Günter Seling

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Photo by Günter Seling on a memorial stele of the Berlin Wall

Günter Seling (born April 28, 1940 in Stahnsdorf , † September 30, 1962 in Kleinmachnow ) was a non-commissioned officer of the border troops of the GDR who was shot by a comrade while on duty. He is counted among the victims of the Berlin Wall .


Günter Seling grew up in Stahnsdorf and lived there in his parents' house until his death. At the age of 19 he volunteered for service in the National People's Army , where he was deployed in the Heinersdorf border company on the West Berlin border . On the morning of September 29, 1962, in the area of Teltow- Seehof , he went in thick fog to an unannounced post control in the post area of ​​soldier W. When W. heard the noises of the approaching Seling, he loaded his submachine gun. He shot Seling four times and hit him in the head with a bullet. The circumstances of the incident are documented differently. While one report assumes an accidental triggering of the submachine gun, another states that there was a mix-up. W. is said to have thought Seling was a refugee.

Severely injured, Günter Seling was taken to a hospital and operated on. He died at 3 a.m. the following day. In contrast to other border guards killed on duty , there was no report of his death or burial with military honors in the GDR . In West Germany , Die Welt and the Berliner Tagesspiegel reported on October 11, 1962 about the funeral of a border soldier who was shot by a comrade. Soldier W. was imprisoned; his further fate in the GDR is not documented. New investigations after German reunification were discontinued because no intention to kill could be proven and an accident was assumed.

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Commons : Günter Seling  - Collection of images, videos and audio files