Günter Seubold

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Günter Seubold (born March 28, 1955 in Marktgraitz ) is a German philosopher and professor of philosophy and art theory at the Alanus University for Art and Society . His work focuses historically on the philosophy of the 20th century (Heidegger, Adorno, Rilke) and, systematically, on the criticism of a one-dimensional understanding of people, art and culture.


Seubold studied philosophy, German and Catholic theology in Würzburg , Frankfurt , Heidelberg and Berlin . The doctorate took place in 1984 with a grant from the Cusanuswerk , the habilitation in 1994 with a grant from the DFG. In 1990/91, with a grant from the Japan Society for the Promotion of Science, a research stay in Japan on " Heidegger and Zen Buddhism " took place. There he also gained experience with the Rinzai and Soto zen. This was followed by a teaching position at Tohoku University in Sendai . He has been a private lecturer since 1994 , and since 2000 an adjunct professor of philosophy at the University of Bonn , where he has held several professorships. Since 2006 he has been Professor of Philosophy and Art Theory at the Alanus University for Art and Society in Alfter near Bonn.


Günter Seubold's first work, “Heidegger's Analysis of Modern Technology”, which is also his dissertation, is not only a study of the history of philosophy (one of the first on the relevance of Heidegger's interpretation of technology), but also has a contemporary diagnostic character: The reductionist fixed position is presented and criticized of reality to endure and the shortening of human understanding to making.

Seubold pursues an analogous aspect, apparently in a completely different field, in his habilitation thesis on the “End of Art”: Here, too, the progress and arrival of Western art in the metaphysical one-dimensionality of the monochrome, the black, the last image is depicted and criticized ( Monochromie , Ad Reinhardt ) and the completely calculated ( serialism ) or left to chance ( John Cage ) composition.

Against such modern foreshortening, structures and events of multidimensionality and the “generative-destructive” are attempted to be enlivened: The overcoming of the reductive-real metaphysics of presence in science, society, art and the image of man is sought by showing the coverings and shadows caused by such presentations necessary.

In the horizon of this criticism of the one-dimensional, works such as “The ideal body” (2008) about modern body technologies, “Destruction of Culture” (2006, 2nd edition 2009) about the aspects of contemporary culture or “Freedom from Man “(2001) as a critique of self-referential humanism: They address the shortening of what is to the controllable aspect of presence. On the other hand, the aim is to become aware of the polyphonic and serious game of concealment and discovery of the human world being. The works on Rilke's aesthetics, Zen Buddhism, silence and death also serve this purpose.


Monographs (as sole author)

  • Heidegger's analysis of modern technology. Freiburg / Munich: Karl Alber 1986. Chinese translation 1993 (Beijing: Publishing House of the Chinese Academy for Social Sciences).
  • Art as expropriation - Heidegger's path to a no longer metaphysical art. Bonn: Bouvier 1996. 2nd edition: Bonn: DenkMal-Verlag, 2005.
  • The end of art and the paradigm shift in aesthetics. Philosophical research on Adorno, Heidegger and Gehlen with a systematic intention. Freiburg / Munich: Karl Alber 1997. 2nd edition: Karl Alber 1998. 3rd edition: Bonn: DenkMal Verlag, 2005. 4th edition: Bonn: DenkMal Verlag, 2015.
  • Freedom from people. The philosophical humanism debate of the post-war period - presentation, analysis, documentation. Bonn: DenkMal Verlag, 2001.
  • Appearance of nothing. Concept and spirit of Japanese art. Bonn: DenkMal Verlag, 2003. 2nd edition 2007. Italian translation 2007 (Milan: Christian Marinotti Edizioni).
  • Japanese head. Journey to a land between cultures (with seven drawings by Andrea Pröhls). Bonn: DenkMal Verlag, 2003.
  • Creative destruction. Theodor W. Adorno's legacy of music philosophy. Bonn: DenkMal Verlag, 2003.
  • Destruction of culture. Philosophical attempt on cultural hypocrites, cultural refugees and cultural followers. Bonn: DenkMal-Verlag, 2006. 2nd edition: 2009.
  • The ideal body. Philosophical reflections on the seizure of power by body technologies. Bonn: DenkMal Verlag, 2008.
  • Trust yourself . . . and learn to live! Bonn: DenkMal Verlag, 2011.
  • Warrior pilgrimage to Vierzehnheiligen. From the life of the world warrior Georg Vojer, told by himself. Bonn: DenkMal Verlag, 2014. (Philosophical novel under the pseudonym: Georg Enzor Vojer).

Monographs (as editor)

  • Martin Heidegger Complete Edition Vol. 49: The Metaphysics of German Idealism. On the renewed interpretation of Schelling: On the essence of human freedom and the objects connected with it (1809). Frankfurt am Main: Vittorio Klostermann 1991.
  • Martin-Heidegger-Gesamtausgabe vol. 38: Logic as a question of language.
  • Frankfurt am Main: Vittorio Klostermann 1998. Japanese translation 2003 (Sobunsha Verlag). French translation 2008 (Éditions Gallimard).
  • The future of man. Philosophical outlook. Bonn: Bouvier 1999.
  • What does art do after the end of art? Six artists answer. Würzburg: Königshausen & Neumann 2000.
  • "You are a lot more artist than you know". Pictures and artists: work and the art of living with Friedrich Nietzsche. Bonn: DenkMal Verlag, 2001.
  • What Nietzsche means to me. Celebrities from art, politics and philosophy answer. Bonn: DenkMal Verlag, 2001 (together with P. Baum).
  • The barbaric of culture. Analyzes of cultural theory from Plato to Adorno (edited and provided with introductions, brief comments and a concluding consideration) Bonn: DenkMal Verlag, 2003.
  • How much fun can the culture take? Adorno's concept of the culture industry and the current fun culture. Bonn: DenkMal Verlag, 2004 (together with P. Baum).
  • J.-F. Lyotard: The logic we need. Nietzsche and the Sophists. Bonn: DenkMal Verlag, 2004 (edited from the estate together with P. Baum).
  • Human technology and image of man. With a look at Heidegger. Bonn: DenkMal Verlag, 2006.
  • Zen Buddhist Aesthetics. Bonn: DenkMal Verlag, 2011 (together with Thomas Schmaus).
  • Art experience as opening up the world: Rainer Maria Rilke's philosophy of art and life. Bonn: DenkMal Verlag, 2012 (together with Thomas Schmaus).
  • Aesthetics of death. Death and dying in modern art. Bonn: DenkMal Verlag, 2013 (together with Thomas Schmaus).
  • What is German? Ten classic answers to a precarious question. With a foreword from Bundestag President Norbert Lammert. Bonn: DenkMal Verlag 2013.
  • Aesthetics of Silence. Bonn: DenkMal Verlag, 2014 (together with Thomas Schmaus).

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Alanus: Prof. Dr. Günter Seubold. Retrieved January 19, 2019 .
  2. Apl. Prof. Dr. Günter Seubold - Institute for Philosophy. Retrieved January 19, 2019 .
  3. Günter Seubold: Heidegger's analysis of modern technology . 1986.
  4. Günter Seubold: The end of art and the paradigm shift in aesthetics . 1997.
  5. Günter Seubold: The End of Art and the paradigm shift in aesthetics, 265-299 .
  6. Günter Seubold: destruction of culture 135-162 .
  7. G. Seubold: Art experience as a world opening up: The art and philosophy of life of Rainer Maria Rilke . 2012th edition.
  8. G.Seubold: aesthetics of Zen Buddhism . 2011th edition.
  9. Seubold: Aesthetics of Silence .
  10. Seubold: Aesthetics of Death. Death and dying in modern art .