Günther Brockmann

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Günther Brockmann (born October 6, 1931 in Braunschweig ; died August 11, 2018 in Cologne ) was a German entrepreneur and numismatist .


Brockmann grew up in a family in Cologne , where art, antiques and literature were of great importance in everyday life . Brockmann's grandfather was an antique dealer who made purchases throughout Europe and served noble customers in the Hanover area . After the grandfather's death, Brockmann's mother and husband took over the antiques business and relocated the company's headquarters to Cologne.

Brockmann grew up with his parents' antique shop not far from the Zeughaus and Appellhofplatz in downtown Cologne . After graduating from high school, Brockmann studied economics and received his doctorate in 1959 from the University of Graz with a dissertation on new forms of shares . Brockmann then worked in his parents' antique shop.


In addition to his professional activity in the antique trade, Brockmann devoted himself intensively to numismatics . He was an expert on the coins and medals of the Guelphs and the Prussians . In 1985 and 1987 Brockmann published a two-volume work on the medals of the Welfs. In 1994 a volume about the medals from Brandenburg-Prussia followed . Both publications are considered standard works for their field.

Grave Melaten Cemetery

In 1968 Brockmann opened the Cologne Münzkabinett Tyll Kroha (now the Kölner Münzkabinett ) together with Tyll Kroha in a shop next to his parents' antique shop . Both owners brought their own coin collections into the business. The biannual coin auctions that still take place today have been a focus of business activity . In 1975 Brockmann left the Münzkabinett and took over the parents' antique business with his wife.

Brockmann died in 2018 at the age of 86 and was buried in Cologne's Melaten cemetery (MA, between Lit. O and HWG).

Publications (selection)

  • Günther Brockmann: Newer ways of raising capital via the stock market. Using the examples of the small share, the beneficiary people's share, the investment certificate and the employee share . Dissertation, University of Graz 1959.
  • Günther Brockmann: The medals of the Guelphs. The history of the Guelphs as reflected in their medals . 2 volumes, self-published, Cologne;
  • Günther Brockmann: The medals Joachim I. – Friedrich Wilhelm I. 1499–1740 ( = The medals of the electors and kings of Brandenburg-Prussia , Volume 1), self-published, Cologne 1994, ISBN 3-9801253-3-5 .

Individual evidence

  1. a b c d Christoph Heinen: Günther Brockmann † . In: Numismatisches Nachrichtenblatt 2018, Volume 67, p. 436.