Günther Gnodtke

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Günther Gnodtke (born April 23, 1910 in Thorn ; † unknown) was a German ambassador .


Günther Gnodtke studied law , took his first state examination in 1933 , was awarded the title of Dr. in 1934 with Der Parteverrat in the German draft penal laws compared with the current law. jur. doctorate and passed his second state examination in 1936. Until 1938 he was assessor for the district president in Allenstein . In 1939 he worked as a legal advisor at PricewaterhouseCoopers . From 1939 to 1941 he was authorized representative of the Kontinentalen Treuhand GesellschaftmbH in Berlin. From 1941 to 1945 Gnodtke served in the war. After 1945 Gnodtke was an accountant and auditor, later a property control officer in North Rhine-Westphalia at the Office of Military Government for Germany (US) . In 1949 he was promoted to the Upper Government Council . From 1953 to 1954 he worked in the Federal Ministry of Finance . In September 1954 Gnodtke joined the Foreign Service . 1956 was promoted to lecturer of the Legation Council . From October 1960 he was a first class counselor at the embassy in Cairo .

In August 1964 Gnodtke became Ambassador of the Federal Republic of Germany in Abuja , Nigeria. On May 30, 1967, the military governor Chukwuemeka Odumegwu Ojukwu declared the Republic of Biafra independent from Nigeria. On August 1, 1966, Yakubu Gowon seized power in Abuja and in early August 1967 sent troops against the Biafra secessionists. On August 10, 1967, Gnodtke reported on the armed conflict . Gnodtke looked after German citizens in Benin, Warri, Ughelli and a construction site near the coast. As part of a military aid agreement, the German government delivered Dornier Do 27 with maintenance personnel to the air force base near Kaduna (Nigeria) . In an attack by an East Nigerian aircraft on the Kaduna airfield on August 10, 1967, a German citizen was killed, two others were slightly injured, they were employees of the Dornier works . The dispatched technicians were asked by the Nigerian army for help with the armoring of aircraft. Gnodtke spoke out in favor of the West German technicians remaining in Nigeria and argued that a withdrawal “in the current situation would be perceived as an unfriendly act and favoring Biafras”. In 1969 Gnodtke was sent by the German government to Wilhelm Grewe in the North Atlantic Council .


  • The betrayal of parties in the German draft criminal laws compared to the current law. Wuerzburg 1934.


  • Munzinger: Internationales Biographisches Archiv 1/1965 of December 28, 1964

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. http://www.bundesarchiv.de/cocoon/barch/0011/k/k1964k/kap1_2/kap2_34/para3_4.html
  2. Wire report No. 430 and 446 of August 25 and 31, 1967; VS-Vol. 2541 (IB3); B 150, copies of files 1967 based on: files on the foreign policy of the Federal Republic of Germany. 1967. Volume 2, Oldenbourg, Munich 1998, ISBN 3-486-56322-X , p. 1184, footnote 8 ( digitized version )
  3. International Africa Forum. Volume 5, European Institute for Political, Economic and Social Issues, Central Asian Research Center London, Weltforum Verlag, 1969, p. 43 ( digitized version )
predecessor Office successor
Harald von Posadowsky-Wehner Ambassador of the Federal Republic of Germany in Lagos
Theodor Axenfeld