Gabriel J. Martín

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Gabriel J. Martín

Gabriel José Martín Martín (born July 12, 1971 , San Fernando , Cádiz ) is a Spanish psychologist , writer , gay and intersex activist .


At birth, Martín was assigned a female gender because of the appearance of his genitals. His name was Patricia and he was raised a girl, although he never felt like a girl. During puberty, testosterone production began to increase, as there were well-developed testicles in the body.

After he got on with his life as a man, he started a relationship with a woman. However, he realized that he was not straight and ended the relationship and moved to Barcelona . He still lives in Barcelona today.


In 1996 he obtained the title of Psychologist at the Universitat de Girona and devoted himself to the problems of homosexual men, who, as he became clear after some professional experience, were different from those of heterosexual men. He also volunteered for Coordinadora Gay-Lesbiana de Catalunya. Today he works as a qualified psychologist at UNED.


He is an expert in gay affirmative psychology and helps other homosexual men to overcome their internalized homophobia , to overcome the consequences of their lifelong homophobia, or to accompany them on their way to coming out . The affirmative psychology that he uses is very well known in Anglo-Saxon areas but has hardly been practiced in the Spanish area. The good success with this method confirmed him to write a Spanish article about it, which was then published in 2011.

It deals with many areas related to the main topic of homosexuality, such as internal homophobia, trauma and fear, self-acceptance and identity, and HIV.

His books have been discussed in Spanish media such as El País or El Correo .

In addition to advising homosexual men, he is the representative of the Consell Español de Psicologia in the LGTB office of the American Psychological Association (APA), is president of the association LGTB Affirma't, coordinator of the working group Affirmative Psychology LGTB of the Col-legi Oficial de Psicologia de Catalunya and collaborates with various television and radio stations.


Web links

Individual evidence

  1. a b c Javier Escarín: Intersexualidad: "Nunca me sentí niña y mi comportamiento masculino era un problema". In: ABC , October 20, 2014 [accessed August 8, 2019 (Spanish)].
  2. a b c La barba me dio la razón: aunque me criaran como una niña, yo era un niño. In: El País , June 30, 2016 [accessed August 8, 2019 (Spanish)].
  3. a b c Gabriel J. Martín. Accessed August 8, 2019 .
  4. a b c Gabriel J. Martín. In: Institut d'Estudis de la Sexualitat i la Parella. Retrieved August 8, 2019 (Catalan).
  5. Itsatso Álvarez: "Hay gays que tienen interiorizada la homofobia" . In: El Correo , March 29, 2019 [accessed August 8, 2019, Spanish].