Gaspard Poussin

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Ideal landscape (1650–1660)

Gaspard Poussin [pu'sɛ̃] (born June 4, 1615 in Rome , † May 25, 1675 in Rome; actually Gaspard Dughet ) was an Italian landscape painter .


As a student and brother-in-law of Nicolas Poussin , he turned to the historical direction of landscape painting , in which Poussin had already achieved significant achievements. Gaspard associated a deeper, warmer color with the same noble and magnificent conception , but his paintings have mostly suffered greatly from darkening.

Significant lines in the landscape, magnificently composed trees and the use of ancient ruins and the like, often combined with thunderstorms and storm winds, form the peculiarity of his landscapes, which many artists moved to imitate.

Work (excerpts)

In the church of San Martino a 'Monti in Rome he had representations from the story of Elijah and Elisha in fresco executed. Larger landscape cycles in tempera and oil have from him the palaces Doria, Colonna and Corsini, individual images, the Accademia di San Luca in Rome, the Palazzo Pitti at Florence , the Louvre in Paris , the Hermitage in Saint Petersburg , the Museum to Madrid , the Dresden gallery and various English private collections. Eight etched landscapes by him are also known .

Web links

Commons : Gaspard Dughet  - Collection of Images
