Geir Hartly Andreassen

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Geir Hartly Andreassen (born November 22, 1971 in Bergen , Hordaland , Norway ) is a Norwegian cameraman .


After working primarily as a cameraman in short films such as Nöd ut , Barnsäng and Cuba libre from 1996 onwards , he was only allowed to independently direct the camera for a feature film in 2006 for the Swedish action comedy Baba's Cars and the Norwegian sports comedy Lange flate ballær . With the following film Darling he was able to receive the Guldbagge , the most important Swedish film award, for the best camera for the first time . His work on Max Manus won the Norwegian film award Amanda for best camera.

In parallel to his film career, Andreassen was also responsible for several commercials as a cameraman. He was the camera operator for commercials from companies such as Statoil , ING and Dresdner Bank .

Filmography (selection)


  • 2009: Best Cinematography - Max Manus

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Geir Hartly Andreassen on , accessed on May 4, 2011