Joint Counter-Extremism and Terrorism Center

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The Joint Extremism and Terrorism Defense Center (GETZ) is a working group of over 40 federal and state authorities to defend against right-wing extremism , left-wing extremism , foreign extremism and espionage . The headquarters of the GETZ are the locations of the Federal Office for the Protection of the Constitution and the Federal Criminal Police Office in Cologne and Meckenheim .


The GETZ forms a roof for the already existing "Common Defense Center for Right-Wing Extremism" as well as the newly added areas of left-wing extremism, foreign extremism and espionage. The BfV names the following goals in a press release on the opening of the GETZ.

  • Optimizing the flow of information between the police and the Office for the Protection of the Constitution,
  • optimized opportunities for personal exchange,
  • Bundling of phenomenon expertise ,
  • Strengthening of analytical skills,
  • Early detection of possible threats,
  • Discussion of operational measures

As with the American models ( Fusion Center ), no statement is made on how undesirable developments can be prevented, for example a so-called "mission creep", i.e. how the structures are prevented from being used for other purposes.

History and political discussion

According to the information available, the GETZ is the third institution of its kind in which the police and secret service of the federal and state governments and other authorities are supposed to exchange ideas. A center in the field of Islamism was founded in 2004, the GTAZ , based in Berlin-Treptow . After the activities of the National Socialist Underground became known , the Center against Right-Wing Extremism (GAR) was added in November 2011 . The GAR is now merging with the newly founded GETZ.

The areas of responsibility of the new Fusion Center are the " phenomena areas of right-wing extremism / terrorism, left-wing extremism / terrorism, foreign extremism, counter-espionage and proliferation".

Just two weeks before the opening, the Federal Ministry of the Interior had informed the federal states about the opening of the GETZ in a switching conference. The North Rhine-Westphalian Interior Minister Ralf Jäger (SPD) spoke of a "solo effort", "quick shot" and "PR gag" by Federal Interior Minister Friedrich . Many country representatives did not see themselves included.

The center was opened on November 15, 2012 in Cologne. Its establishment is largely due to the instigation of Federal Interior Minister Friedrich. Friedrich saw the need for such a center as a reaction to the far-reaching failure and lack of cooperation between various authorities in the investigation of the NSU terror cell.


The headquarters of the center was chosen so that it is close to the main actors, the Federal Office for the Protection of the Constitution and the Federal Criminal Police Office . According to the BfV, the following are involved:

The aim of the center is to bring together the results of the intelligence service information and analysis center for right-wing extremism / terrorism (NIAS-R) and the police information and analysis center (PIAS-R). The number of participants in the meetings is unclear, at the opening it was admitted in government circles that the up to 40 authorities involved in the GETZ should never meet several times a week in some of the areas they deal with. This is the case with the existing centers. Meetings are planned every three weeks or at even longer intervals.

Working groups

Working groups deal with specific subject areas, which are grouped around a central working group (working group, phenomenon- related situation ). Working groups deal with people potentials , organization prohibitions , case analysis , risk assessment and operational information exchange . The function of the Analysis Working Group remains unclear , for which no task information is provided.


According to Petra Pau, the party Die Linke is considering a review of the constitutionality at the Federal Constitutional Court . The aim is to clarify whether the center is compatible with the separation requirement between police and intelligence services . The " taz " commented on the relatively long intervals between the working meetings of the GETZ before it opened: Instead of talking about a "center", one could also have said: The security authorities arrange regular working meetings. But that would hardly have made headlines. The criticism is also directed against the lack of effective control of the body by the parliaments.

In addition to these specific points of criticism, the points of criticism that are generally mentioned against Fusion Center also apply.

Individual evidence

  1. a b c d e f g Press release (PDF; 529 kB) from the Federal Office for the Protection of the Constitution on the launch of the Joint Extremism and Terrorism Defense Center to combat right-wing extremism / terrorism, left-wing extremism / terrorism, foreign extremism / terrorism and espionage / Proliferation (GETZ), accessed November 17, 2012
  2. a b Counter-terrorism center opened despite boycotts in some countries, Die Welt November 15, 2012
  3. Joint Extremism and Terrorism Defense Center (GETZ),, accessed on April 11, 2014
  4. a b c taz: Dispute about the third super agency . Retrieved November 16, 2012
  5. WAZ: New Extremism Defense Center is opened . Retrieved November 16, 2012
  6. a b Die Welt Linke is considering constitutional lawsuit against new defense center , accessed on November 17, 2012
  7. taz: Nothing learned . Retrieved April 30, 2013

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