Genovaitė Babachinaitė

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Genovaitė Babachinaitė (born January 23, 1944 in Minčia , rural municipality Tauragnai , Rajongemeinde Utena ) is a Lithuanian lawyer and criminologist .


In 1971 she completed her degree in law , in 1974 her degree in philosophy and in 1976 in sociology at the Vilniaus universitetas . In 1979 she continued her education in social psychology . In 1980 she did her doctorate in Moscow . From 1971 to 1992 she worked as a research assistant in the criminology department at Teismo ekspertizės mokslo tyrimo institutas . From 1992 to 2002 worked at Teisės institutas at the Ministry of Justice of Lithuania . She has been a professor since 2001 . She teaches criminology at Mykolas Romeris University in Vilnius . Her research areas include victimology and crime prevention .


  • Nepilnamečio asmenybė ir nusikalstamumas , su kt., 1984 .
  • Nusikaltimų aukų socialinė situacija ir teisinė apsauga Lietuvoje , su kt., 1999 .
  • Nusikalstamumo prevencijos organizavimo viktimologiniai aspektai , 2000 .


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