Geography of lust

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Geography of Lust is the title of a book by Jürg Federspiel . It was first published in 1989 by Suhrkamp Verlag .


The first part of the novel is about the seventy-year-old, extremely rich, Primo Antonio Robusti, who comes from Rome and lives in Milan , who is an art collector and appreciates sexual adventures. One day he meets nineteen-year-old Laura Granati, whose body he particularly admires. Since Robusti has also come up with a special love game, he would like to have Laura tattooed by the artist Omai O'Hara. Grandma O'Hara has decided to decorate Laura with geographical motifs based on the Mercator projection . As he got down to work, it was revealed that he had lived the lunar cycle of his life from early childhood , had practiced Buddhist teachings and was also able to hypnotize his client. After completing the job, O'Hara and Robusti die.

In the second part, Laura, who has inherited Robusti's fortune, flies from Milan to New York . In the USA she is received and admired at various congresses; the highlight, however, is a visit by the O'Haras clan to Santa Fe , where the audience is invited to first admire their bodies and then to look at the moon . At the end the leitmotifs of the novel are brought together again in a completely different narrative .

It is typical of the narrative style in both parts of the novel that the main plot is repeatedly interrupted with essayistic digressions about angels and geography.


"Right down to the very latest text, Jürg Federspiel uses words, words that mean entire stories, fixes what has been seen and heard in the narrowest area - what is next is unbelievable and hard to grasp, what is immediately oppressive, it is the simple insights, the deeply subjective, personal. "



  • Jürg Federspiel: Geography of Lust. Suhrkamp, ​​Frankfurt am Main 1989 (first edition).

Individual evidence

  1. Dieter Fringeli : Under a white sky. In: Die Zeit , October 20, 1989, accessed on December 8, 2017.