Georg Carl von Bandel

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Georg Carl Friedrich von Bandel (born October 10, 1746 in Stettin , Western Pomerania , †  July 18, 1818 in Nuremberg ) was a Prussian government director and president of the court of appeal in Ansbach, Bavaria .


Bandel was the only son of the court and government councilor Johann Balthasar Bandel (1701–1776) and his wife Luise Dorothee Henriette, née Ruel (1724–1788), born in Stettin. In 1797 he married Rosina Babette Johanna Schultheiß (born April 1, 1782 in Ansbach; † 1838), the daughter of a former margrave house servant or descendant of the Nuremberg sculptor Georg Schultheiß († 1601; married to Anna, née Grimmin) and their son Hieronymus Schultheis (* December 19, 1600, † 17 February 1669), deacon and from 1668 Schaffner (= oldest deacon a main church) to St. Sebald in Nuremberg.

The couple had four children: Johann Karl Friedrich (* March 16, 1798), Joseph Ernst (1800–1876, architect, sculptor and painter, builder of the Hermann Monument ), Fritz (* 1802) and Wilhelmina Karolina Luise Henrietta (* February 16 1808).


In Arnold's trial , Bandel was arrested and imprisoned by King Friedrich II in January 1780 as one of the youngest councilors with all the judges of the Superior Court, the Cüstrin Regional Court and the Patrimonial Court . Friedrich himself sentenced the judges to one year imprisonment in the Spandau Citadel and awarded the plaintiff compensation . The judges concerned were pardoned by the king on September 5, 1780 after serving two-thirds of their prison sentence.

After the previously independent territories of the Principality of Ansbach and the Principality of Bayreuth were taken over by the Prussian Crown from the childless Margrave Friedrich Carl on December 2, 1791 , they continued to exist formally independently and were centrally managed by a Prussian provincial administration under Karl August von Hardenberg based in Ansbach. Bandel came to this provincial administration as a government director and later became president of the court of appeal .


On May 31, 1813 Bandel received by King Maximilian I. Joseph the Civil Merit . Only a few days later, on June 18, Bandel received the nobility letter (nobility diploma), with which he was incorporated " for his person in the knight class and with reserved transmission to a legitimate or adopted son in the nobility class ".


  • Expert opinion on a proper union of the Bavarian and Prussian process regulations , Verlag Friedrich Campe, Nuremberg, 1809

Individual evidence

  1. The parents' life data at, accessed on April 27, 2020.
  2. Bandel in the German Biography, accessed on April 27, 2020.
  3. Dr. Adolf Gregorius: Ernst von Bandel - memories from my life , Chapter I “First Childhood”, page 20. Meyersche Hofbuchhandlung (Max Staercke) Verlag, Detmold, 1937; accessed on May 5, 2020.
  4. Hieronymus Schultheis in: Life descriptions of all clergymen who served in the Reichs = city of Nuremberg, Lutheri since the Reformation , started by Carl Christian Hirschen and completed by Andreas Würfel, Nuremberg and Roth , 1756, p. 59; accessed on May 5, 2020
  5. The children's life data at, accessed on April 27, 2020.
  6. Malte Diesselhorst: The trials of the miller Arnold and the intervention of Frederick the Great . In: Göttingen legal studies . Verlag Otto Schartz & Co., Göttingen 1984.
  7. Bandels' life data ; Dr. Hermann Schmidt: Ernst von Bandel - A German man and artist , published by Carl Meyer (Gustav Prior), Hanover, 1892; accessed on April 27, 2020.
  8. Dr. Adolf Gregorius: Ernst von Bandel - memories from my life , Chapter I “First Childhood”, Note 3), page 19. Meyersche Hofbuchhandlung (Max Staercke) Verlag, Detmold, 1937; accessed on May 5, 2020.
  9. ^ Title in the catalog of the Bayerische Staatsbibliothek, accessed on April 27, 2020.