Georg Hartmann (composer)

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Georg Hartmann (born May 6, 1887 in Lewin , Glatz district , Silesia ; † June 30, 1954 in Bielefeld , Westphalia ) was a German composer and local writer.


Georg Hartmann showed musical talent at an early age and was able to represent Cantor Mader on the organ of the Lewin church at the age of 11. To become a teacher, he attended the Landecker preparandy and the Habelschwerdter teachers' seminar, where his music teacher, the composer and later royal music director Georg Amft, gave him decisive support. From 1911 he was a teacher at the Catholic elementary school in Bad Landeck, after his expulsion in 1946 he was a teacher in Ziegenhardt in the Rhineland until he retired .

Choir director

In 1922 Hartmann became choirmaster at the Landeck parish church. At that time his church choir was one of the most powerful in the former County of Glatz . Top performances in church music under his direction were the performances of the Coronation Mass by Mozart , the Mass in C major by Beethoven , the Festive Mass by Nicolai , the Gran Mass by Liszt, etc. The repertoire also included the demanding works by the newer and older church composers. Many newly composed Marienlieder were premiered at the May devotions. The chamber singer of the Dresden State Opera Margarete Siems (1876–1952), who lived in Landeck in retirement, often sang as a soloist.

Men's choir

Georg Hartmann was also the conductor of the Landeck men's choir. Together with the church choir, which he leads, he performed the oratorical works Das Paradies und die Peri by Schumann , The fairy tale of the beautiful Melusine and The First Walpurgis Night by Mendelssohn Bartholdy as well as The Seasons by Haydn . The performances in which the Landecker Kurorchester took part took place in the Königin-Luisen-Saal. The large folk festivals and traditional costume festivals organized by the bathing administration were also provided with music by the men's choir.


Georg Hartmann's compositional work is in the vocal field. He composed and wrote about 80 ecclesiastical and secular choral songs, almost all of which appeared in print. In addition to a number of folk and dialect songs, he also wrote music for the plays by the local writers Bruno Neugebauer and Robert Karger .

Local writer

Hartmann's dialect poems show the great connoisseur of the folk mentality and the command of the dialect language. In dialect poetry, he found an unmistakably unique style with an accurate point of popular wit and humor. Many of his poems have appeared in local newspapers and magazines. Published as a collection:

  • Homeland poems for my compatriots (Bielefeld 1948 and 1950)
  • Quetschkatoffan on Puttermelch (Eichendorffgilde, Eichstätt 1949)
  • Derhäme (Leimen-Heidelberg, 1955)
  • Cheerful verses (Leimen-Heidelberg 1970)
  • Haämte Groofschoft Glootz , cheerful and serious poems (Bielefeld 1989)


  • Paul Preis: Music and theater life in the city and district of Glatz. Part 2. Lüdenscheid 1969.


  1. Georg Amft (1873–1937), seminar music teacher in Habelschwerdt and composer, royal music director (1913) composed orchestral and choral works, songs and piano music. He published the work Volkslieder der Grafschaft Glatz , a collection of 736 folk songs with melodies.