Georg Herold (Founder, 1832)

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Lenz-Herold foundry, 1858. Christoph Lenz on the left and Georg Heroldt in the middle

Georg Herold , also Georg Heroldt , (* 1832 in Leipzig ; † July 28, 1871 in Stockholm ) was a German foundryman . Together with his half-brother Christoph Lenz (1829–1915) he took over the foundry of his stepfather Daniel Burgschmiet in Nuremberg in 1858 and they continued it under the name of the Lenz-Herold brothers .


The Radetzky Monument in Prague, 1858

Georg Herold probably came from an old Herold foundry family from Nuremberg. These bells and cannons were made in the 17th century. Among other things belonged Andreas Herold (1623-1696) to do so.

The Lenz-Herold foundry started operations in the mid-19th century. As one of the first orders, the Radetzky monument in Prague was completed in 1858 . For the commission they received the Franz Joseph Order 1st class and commissions in Dresden , Coburg , Gera and Sydney .


Lenz-Herold received several orders in Stockholm. His first work for Stockholm was the sculpture The Knife Fighters by Johan Peter Molin , which he completed in Nuremberg in 1867. Molin was very satisfied with the work and left two of his other works, the statue of Charles XIII. as well as the Molins fountain, in Nuremberg. In autumn 1867 Georg Herold came to Stockholm to prepare the work. The company used the Royal Mint as a temporary branch. Here he met Otto Meyer, the later founder of the Otto Meyer foundry, who worked here as a runner and interpreter.


The statue of Charles XII. was completed as planned and inaugurated on November 30, 1868. During the work on the well there was an accident at work on July 27, 1871, which cost Herold his life. There are different reports about the course of the accident.

According to one report, the rope of a lifting device broke and a 250 kg part fell on Herold's leg. The following day he died as a result of the injury in Serafimerlasarettet, the first Swedish hospital. After that, work in Sweden was stopped and the fountain was completed in Nuremberg by Lenz-Herold with the participation of Otto Meyer. The fountain was inaugurated on December 25, 1873 with a two-year delay. The Lenz-Herold company was awarded the Wasaorden 1st Order for the work. Christoph Lenz continued to run the business alone and handed it over to his son Ernst Lenz in 1896 .


Individual evidence

  1. ^ The art foundry Lenz. Accessed June 24, 2020 (German).
  2. Otto Meyer Fud. Ett chapter i det svenska konstgjuteriets historia . ISBN 978-91-637-1754-3 .