Georg Heuberger

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Georg Heuberger (* 1946 in Budapest ; † November 7, 2010 in Frankfurt am Main ) was founding director of the Jewish Museum Frankfurt and representative of the Jewish Claims Conference Germany.


The parents Dolek and Franziska Heuberger had escaped from the Bochnia assembly camp in the Generalgouvernement in 1943 and fled to Hungary via Slovakia . From Budapest, where they survived the Hungarian Holocaust , the family came to Frankfurt via Prague and Paris in 1948. Heuberger studied there Jura to the first state examination and later at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem Social Sciences and Jewish history. From 1982 to 1985 he was the rector's assistant at the University for Jewish Studies in Heidelberg .

In 1988 he became the founding director of the Jewish Museum Frankfurt and, until his retirement in January 2006, took over the editing of the exhibition catalogs for the exhibitions held there and published numerous articles on historical and Judaic topics himself. As a museum director, he was also the managing director of the commission for research into the history of Frankfurt's Jews . Afterwards, Heuberger became a representative of the Jewish Claims Conference Germany , got involved in the question of the restitution of art and cultural goods and obtained a lump sum payment to the Jews who were still living in Budapest as compensation for their ghettoization and forced labor . Heuberger was chairman of the association of friends and supporters of the Leo Baeck Institute .

In 2006 Heuberger was awarded the Federal Cross of Merit on Ribbon of the Order of Merit of the Federal Republic of Germany .

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Individual evidence

  1. Hans Riebsamen: Satisfaction for the sufferers of the parents . In: FAZ of August 8, 2008.