Georg II of Volkersdorf

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Georg (Jörg) II. Von Volkersdorf (* before 1422 ; † 1475 or 1476 ) was a nobleman of the Duchy of Austria ob der Enns and was one of the employees of Emperor Friedrich III. , for which he took on several important diplomatic missions. He is considered one of its most reliable councilors.


Georg von Volkersdorf belonged to the family of the Lords of Volkersdorf , namely from the branch line of the Lords of Volkersdorf zu Kreuz. He was the eldest son of Albrecht (Albero) II von Volkersdorf († 1422) from his second marriage to Barbara von Winden. His brother was Hadamar (Hadmar) IV. Von Volkersdorf († 1489), who also served as a councilor to Friedrich III. and since 1454 was court marshal of his cousin Sigmund von Volkersdorf , who rose to become Archbishop of Salzburg with imperial support . On July 17, 1458, both brothers of Emperor Friedrich III. raised to the rank of imperial lord. In 1445 Georg von Volkersdorf married Dorothea von Stubenberg from one of the most important families of the Styrian gentry. The marriage remained without descendants, with him and his younger brother, the Volkersdorf-Kreuzen line died out.


Georg von Volkersdorf is proven in 1435 as a member of the council of Duke Albrecht V of Austria , whom he accompanied to his coronations in Hungary and Bohemia in 1438 .

After Albrecht's death, he was taken over as a councilor by his successor, the later Emperor Friedrich III. In 1442 he took part in the coronation trip to Aachen, in the course of which he took part in several jump-offs and jousting games. From 1445 he served as his captain zu Weitra (until the 1460s). Since 1454 he has also been recorded as an assessor at the Imperial Court of Justice. He also appears several times as a lender and surety. Friedrich III. he also used him in many diplomatic missions, for example as an envoy in peace negotiations with opponents from the Kingdom of Bohemia and in Austrian state parliaments. Between 1442 and 1458 he was used for missions to foreign rulers.

An official legation trip took Georg von Volkersdorf together with two companions to the court of Duke René I of Anjou in October 1443 . In 1448 Georg von Volkersdorf negotiated with the curia on behalf of the king, and subsequently he was a member of the bridal show embassy , which in 1448 and 1450 initiated and negotiated the negotiations for the marriage of Frederick with a Portuguese infanta at the courts of the kings of Naples and Portugal . In 1451 he prepared the Rome train in Italy together with Enea Silvio de Piccolomini and Michael von Pfullendorf. He took part in the celebrations of the imperial coronation in Rome in March 1452, where he, like many others, received the accolade on the Engelbrücke and at that time became chamber master of Empress Eleonore . A last major legation trip led in 1454 together with Piccolomini, the Bishop of Gurk and Hans Ungnad as representatives of the imperial court to the Reichstag in Regensburg.

Also during the rule in the Duchy of Austria under King Ladislaus Postumus and later Archduke Albrecht VI. he continued to work for the emperor and to be found in his environment.

During the siege of the emperor in the Vienna Hofburg in autumn 1462, he led a relief army from Austria over the Enns. In 1465 he became an overseer for Ungeld and Tatz in Vienna. In this function as an actual treasurer, he subsequently rose to become imperial captain of Vienna and Enns. In 1467 commissioned to regain the town of Steyr , which Georg von Stein , who held it as pledge, did not want to surrender, but failed because of his overwhelming power. Since around 1468 Georg von Volkersdorf was the owner of the regional court between Enns and Traun.


In addition to being raised to the rank of imperial ruler, Georg von Volkersdorf was also awarded the inheritance of a princely standard-bearer in Austria.


  • Paul-Joachim Heinig: Emperor Friedrich III. (1440-1493). Court, government, politics (= research on the imperial and papal history of the Middle Ages. Vol. 17). 3 volumes, Böhlau, Cologne 1997, ISBN 3-412-15595-0 (at the same time: Gießen, Universität, Habilitation-Schrift, 1993), see Vol. 3 under Register of names of persons and places, p. 1778.
  • Waltraud Winkelbauer: Misit ergo Gergium de Plenavilla. The marriage preparations of Frederick III. in the mirror of travel documents of Georg von Volkersdorf , in: Sonja Dünnebeil - Christine Ottner: Foreign policy action in the late Middle Ages: Actors and goals (= research on the imperial and papal history of the Middle Ages . Supplements to JF Böhmer, Regesta Imperii, vol. 27), Vienna / Cologne / Weimar: Böhlau 2007, pp. 291–339.


  1. ^ Paul-Joachim Heinig: Emperor Friedrich III. (1440-1493). Hof, Government, Politics , 1997, Vol. 1, p. 272
  2. Waltraud Winkelbauer: Misit ergo Gergium de Plenavilla, 2007, p. 292, footnote 9
  3. ^ Paul-Joachim Heinig: Emperor Friedrich III. (1440-1493). Hof, Government, Politics , 1997, Vol. 1, p. 273.
  4. Waltraud Winkelbauer: Misit ergo Gergium de Plenavilla, 2007, p. 296
  5. ^ Paul-Joachim Heinig: Emperor Friedrich III. (1440-1493). Hof, Government, Politics , 1997, Vol. 1, SS 272
  6. Waltraud Winkelbauer: Misit ergo Gergium de Plenavilla , 2007, p. 294.
  7. Waltraud Winkelbauer: Misit ergo Gergium de Plenavilla , 2007, p. 294.
  8. Waltraud Winkelbauer: Misit ergo Gergium de Plenavilla , 2007, p. 295.
  9. ^ Paul-Joachim Heinig: Emperor Friedrich III. (1440-1493). Hof, Government, Politics , 1997, Vol. 1, p. 100, footnote 183
  10. ^ Paul-Joachim Heinig: Emperor Friedrich III. (1440-1493). Hof, Government, Politics , 1997, Vol. 1, p. 172.
  11. Waltraud Winkelbauer: Misit ergo Gergium de Plenavilla , 2007, p. 291 f.
  12. Waltraud Winkelbauer: Misit ergo Gergium de Plenavilla , 2007, p. 295 f.
  13. Waltraud Winkelbauer: Misit ergo Gergium de Plenavilla , 2007, p. 296 f.
  14. Waltraud Winkelbauer: Misit ergo Gergium de Plenavilla , 2007, p. 297.
  15. ^ Paul-Joachim Heinig: Emperor Friedrich III. (1440-1493). Hof, Government, Politics , 1997, Vol. 1, p. 172.
  16. ^ Paul-Joachim Heinig: Emperor Friedrich III. (1440-1493). Hof, Government, Politics , 1997, Vol. 1, p. 172.
  17. ^ Paul-Joachim Heinig: Emperor Friedrich III. (1440-1493). Hof, Government, Politics , 1997, Vol. 1, p. 173.
  18. Waltraud Winkelbauer: Misit ergo Gergium de Plenavilla , 2007, p. 297.
  19. ^ Paul-Joachim Heinig: Emperor Friedrich III. (1440-1493). Hof, Government, Politics , 1997, Vol. 1, p. 1778.
  20. ^ Paul-Joachim Heinig: Emperor Friedrich III. (1440-1493). Hof, Government, Politics , 1997, Vol. 1, p. 173